Chapter Fifteen

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"Wakey!" You hear a voice boom, making you sit up instantly and look beside you. Jungkook was in the room, fully clothed and it looked like he had taken a shower. You slightly get red while thinking about your actions from last night and his too.

"Get ready cause your eating breakfast with us and we're all going out together!" Jungkook said and you looked at him confused but proceeded to get up.

As you stood in front of him completely naked he smirks. "Are you asking for more?" He says and you shake your head.

"No I'm asking for you to politely leave so I can get ready . . . unless you don't want me to join you guys today." You said and smiled, acting like you weren't fazed from anything. These guys seem like they've been trying to push your limits but you won't let them.

"Fine." He says with a slight pout and sigh. He leaves closing the door and you go to get ready for the day.

After you've completed getting ready you exit your room, trying to ignore the guys. Before going to breakfast you think you should use this opportunity to find Jihoon. It's the perfect timing, the guys would only think that your getting ready and wouldn't be suspicious of him.

You walk around and even go to Jihoon's usual places but you can't seem to find him. You find yourself very lost and once again your in the dark hallway. Which is slightly illuminated by the window in the far corner from day. Although you remember last time you were here with Jimin the light went out and you saw the carving in the wall.

You plug your nose as you walk even farther in the dark eloped hallway. The smell just gets worse and worse. You couldn't quite grasp what the smell was but all you knew was that it was awful. The fresh corn growing in the cow manure couldn't even compare to the nose clenching stench.

You could even feel your eyes water but you were so curious to see what was in that door that Jimin didn't let you enter. Or what that sticky stuff was that was on the doorknob. The more you got closer to the door it seems that, that was where the odor was coming from.

You were about six feet away when you heard a creak making the hairs jump up on the back of your neck. You were so scared that you thought they were dancing.

You hear noises in the room and before you can find a place to hide, the door opens. It reveals a heavy breathing Yoongi.

His face filled with anger as he licked his lips and closed the door shut behind him. He slightly slouched as he did a walk that made him look a little drunk.

He soon stops dead in his tracks as he comes face to face with you. His face looks confused, angry, and shocked at the same time.

"Y/n, you shouldn't be down here!" He scolds and grabs your arm harshly while pulling you far away from the hallway and to the normal hallways where people are clearly living.

"What were you even doing down there!?" He continued and you sighed.

"I just wanted to explore." You explained, staying away from your true intentions.

"Haven't you even heard the saying curiosity killed the cat." He said and you blankly stared at him. What he does next confuses you. He softly smiles with a chuckle.

"Just don't go down there, too many bugs it's not meant for visitors." He says and your eyes slowly drift downwards. His hands are conveniently placed lower. Usually he'll use his hands to talk, but he's not doing it right now.

You stare at one of his hands and there's a bit of red liquid dripping down and a slight brown stain on the other, it looked dried.

You put the pieces together and look at your arm where he grabbed you. You saw some of the red substance smeared on you. Your eyes widened and Yoongi noticed your reaction and the ways your eyes darted. He wasn't stupid.

"Shit, did I get my paint on you? We store a lot of the paint there, I was just working on an idea for an album cover and I needed some red paint." Yoongi said without a hesitation. He seemed like he was fair with what he was saying. Yet why was the smell horrible? And why can't you find Jihoon?

"Mhm." You say, you don't want to make it too obvious that your suspicious of him.

"Aren't you having breakfast with us?" He asked and you nodded. It seems Yoongi's acting nicer. Only the more to be suspicious of.


"Then let's go."

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