5. Letters and Lovenotes.

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You are so cute and pretty and sweet, that I can't string the words together to tell you myself, so I wrote them down instead.

Eternally, invariably, permanently, and perpetually yours,

A secret admirer.

Y/N let out a small laugh, not sure how to respond to the note that she found in her locker. It's only been a week since school started, no one can get a crush that fast, Y/N thought as she re-read the note. This has to be a joke, only a generic protagonist in a Yandere x Reader would receive a love note this over the top.

With that thought in mind, she walked to her homeroom with a skip in her step, pleased to be on time now that the mandatory 'late-the-first-day-of-school' had been fulfilled.

Entering her homeroom, (her eyes completely missing the yandere perched on the windowsill that had become one of his favorite places to spy on her,) Y/N took her generic anime protagonist seat by the window and started talking to Emi.

"Who sent you the letters?" The blue-haired girl asked, wiggling her eyebrows and pulling a ridiculous face that still had the power to make any boy fall in love with her, (except for the resident yandere and tsundere of course.)

Y/N was confused for a moment, then she looked down at her desk and saw that not one but three love notes had been left there. The first was an artistic photo of the forever-blooming-sakura-trees by the front of the school, on the back was written the simple phrase: my love for you is more numerous than all these petals by far.

 The second was a blank postcard decorated with excessive hearts and glitter, shedding its sparkily pink and silver contagion all over her desk. The third note was written in beautiful calligraphy and read:

Since the moment I saw you, and until I can see you no more, my heart, my mind, and my body belong solely to you. (Except for my left kidney, I want to keep that.)

Eternally, invariably, permanently, and perpetually yours,

A secret admirer.

"So, do you know who sent that to you?" Emi squealed, ignoring all of the obvious red-flags just like Y/N. "They have a real way with words, and the fact that this appeared without warning isn't creepy at all."

"What part of 'a secret admirer' did you not get?" Y/N teased shaking her head with a sigh. She didn't believe that the letters were real, but she nevertheless slid them into her schoolbag for laughs, a fact that made the yandere pressing his face against the glass right next to her nearly melt in happiness. "I am going to believe the option that is most likely going to cause me trouble later, and that's that these cards are fake. Even though I have no evidence to support it, I am going to assume that Homura is playing a prank on me."

. . .

Y/N firm conviction in her athletic friend's guilt began to dwindle as the love notes started to appear more often and in much more unexplainable places as the weeks went by. Along with spawning on her desk and in her locker at ever-increasing rates, she would also find them sprinkled about like confetti on her walk home, (still accompanied by the innocent hydrangea bush.)

She would find them slipped into her weekly grocery bags, along with bags of her favorite candies. All in all, she was started to doubt that Homura had a long enough attention span to play a joke so elaborate, but who else could be behind it? The handwriting on the notes was pretty unique, but Y/N was far too dense to come up with the idea of trying to match the handwriting with someone at her school because that would be plot-derailing.

All she could do was sigh as her bemusement, (and not fear) grew the more letters she received. She also ate the candy, a fact that always pleased the yandere stalker watching her through the open window.

Over the last few weeks, he had grown, if possible, even more fond of Y/N, (for some mysterious reason. Perhaps he liked the flavor of vanilla and under-developed main characters?) Whatever the case, he had been using his hydrangea disguise to follow Y/N not only home from school, but all around school as well.

Finally, Y/N who had been keeping the letters a secret as much as possible, probably because she didn't think they were a 'big deal' or because she didn't want to 'be a bother' or maybe just because she was the Y/N in a Yandere x Reader who has a very skewed sense of self-preservation, whatever the case was, Y/N could hold her tongue no longer and decided to tell her friends about her secret admirer.

She had woken up in her room to the painful sound of her alarm, only to find a lack of sun in her generic bedroom. At first, she thought the blinds were closed, but when she looked at her window, she saw that the glass outside had been plastered with so many lairs of love notes that they blocked out the sun.

"That can't be good for the environment," Y/N muttered, completely ignoring the fact that her 'secret admirer' had been at her bedroom window in the night. "Save the trees."

. . .

When she arrived at school she had already forgotten about the letters, until she opened her locker. A torrent of poems poured from the metal confines of her locker with enough force to knock her over.

With a heavy sigh, Y/N got to her feet, brushing stray letters off herself like lint. She didn't even bother to read them anymore. For one they were far too numerous to read, and the signature:

Eternally, invariably, permanently, and perpetually yours,

A secret admirer.

Had already been branded into her brain like burning cheese stuck to the roof of her mouth. "That's it," Y/N said as she walked off to her first class of the day. "I am going to confide in all of my friends about this, and bring about their inevitable death unintentionally."


I don't really have too much to say about this chapter. I am curious about what your favorite candy is though? So, please tell me, and,

Until next time I'll see you on the other side.

~J. C. Coltt.~

My Treasured Blossom [Classic Yandere Boy x Female Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin