8. Dumb Mean Girls.

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"Loser!" The athletic girl spat as she pushed Emi to the ground. The others who had gathered around laughed as her books fell everywhere. "You're a real slut you know, sleeping around with men, who does that any more?"

"What's going on here?!" Y/N exclaimed as she saw the group of athletic girls all crowded around her blue-raspberry-blue-haired friend. "Why are you all picking on Emi? Even though she can be a flirt, she's the nicest girl in school, and you know it."

"Look what we have here, it's homewrecker no. 1 coming to the aid of homewrecker no. 2, how predictable," the lead girl said, pointing a finger at Y/N and snickering. The rest of the group, which consisted of half a dozen boys and girls from the sports club all glared daggers at her.  "We heard how you stole Homura's man, and she may have been nice enough to let you off, but we sure as hell won't, because we're dumb and we take things way too far."

She tried to shove Y/N to the ground the way she had done to Emi, but an invisible force blocked her. She tried again, only for the same thing to happen. "Damn, her plot armor is too strong, I can't lay a hand on her!" She pounded her fists against the force field, but the protagonist shield protecting Y/N was too strong.

"Come on, let's forget about this slut, she's not worth it," one of the macho girls said, pushing her short bangs out of her eyes as she tugged on the head mean girl's arm.

"You're right babe, let's go," she replied, giving the girl a brief kiss. She wrapped her arm around her shoulder as they walked away, the other athletes following behind them. Turning to look over her shoulder she glared at Y/N and spat, "this isn't over straight sluts!"

Once she was gone, Y/N crouched down next to Emi who was trembling and looked to be on the verge of a panic attack. Her pink eyes welled with tears as she slowly turned her head to look up at Y/N. "She's right..." She whispered. "I am just a straight s-slut..."

Emi let out a hiccuping sob as Y/N pulled her friend into a tight hug, doing her best to comfort her in the unusually real moment for a supposed 'romance novel'. "Don't you dare say that about yourself!" Y/N reprimanded her sternly, stroking Emi's hair. "You are not a slut! You are a driven woman who knows exactly what she wants."

"B-But, I-I only want men, and nice clothes," Emi sobbed, clutching onto Y/N tightly. "I like men, and that's just the way I am. I used to be popular, b-but no one wants to use my character model anymore because I don't fit the new ideal..."

Emi took a shuddering breath before she continued, "I-I'm sorry that I like dresses and getting my nails done, and m-make-up... I'm sorry that I'm not the feminist warrior that is over-represented in fiction who doesn't need help and can take care of herself... I-I'm sorry that I'm s-straight,  and that I'm only like men... But I can't help my sexuality... This is who I am: A pretty straight girl.

"People used to like my character type," Emi sniffed dejectedly. "I-I was every 90s boys first crush, and all the middle school girls would want to be like m-me... B-but I've been put aside t-to make room for more modern character cliches... No one misses me or wants to be like me anymore... I'm w-worthless... Characters like me only get hate for being 'basic' and 'pro-misogynistic'... No one cares how th-their words make me f-feel...

"Maybe their right... M-Maybe I don't have the right to exist anymore... M-Maybe I should just kill myself, no one would miss an outdated heroine like me anyway... I should just disappear... I'm sure the whole genre would b-be better off without me..." Emi whipped away her tears. Her face was so sad that she was nearly unrecognizable to the disgusting flirty optimist she normally was.

"Don't say that Emi!!!" Y/N cried out, shaking her friend to try and make her see sense. "You may be a bit out-of-date, but that doesn't mean you're worthless!! Your character type taught people to be kind and compassionate!!! You taught us that you don't have to be the strongest or the bravest to be a hero; that it's ok to feel upset and have times of weakness. Even if the whole community may reject you now, you are still important to so many people!!! A source of nostalgia for many grown people, as well as a character who can still inspire the children of today with her vintage charm.

"Even if the whole genre turns against you, I will always be here for you!" Y/N declared. "We have been friends since we were little, and we will surely always be friends."

"B-But what if H-Homura's friends start picking on you t-too," Emi protested, looking at Y/N with wide eyes. "I-I couldn't forgive myself... What's the point of b-both of us being bullied?"

"Don't worry about it!" Y/N said, smiling so brightly that it hurt to look directly at her. She offered Emi a hand up, "My protagonist armor will easily protect me from a couple of mean girls (and boys,) and I will do my best to protect you as well. So, what do you say?"

"Sometimes you're even more of a cliche, overly-nice heroine than me Y/N," Emi said, doing her best to smile as she took the offered hand and got to her feet. "If I didn't know any better I would think that you were actually an anime protagonist."


Wow, sorry things got heavy like that. Man, I try to write comedy and this happens before we are even ten chapters in. Hmm, maybe I should stick to writing tragedy after this.

Anyway, here's another drawing of Elliot, hopefully, it will cheer you up after this chapter. (Someone said that his name reminded them of a donut brand, so I had to draw this.)

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

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Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

My Treasured Blossom [Classic Yandere Boy x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now