17. Generic Escape.

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Y/N sat in the living room, twisting her hands in anxiety as she thought about their 'perfect escape plan'. Even though there was no possible way that any part of the well-thought-out plan could go wrong, she couldn't help but let her mind be clouded by worry.

"How will I ever incapacitate Oyama?" Y/N muttered to herself. "Well, I could look for the same drugs that he used to knock me out and bring me here and use it on him. I could also scour the house for sleeping pills and somehow slip them to him. I could also offer to cook him dinner, playing into his romantic fantasy, while purposely making the food extra spicy to give him explosive diarrhea... Hmm, so many sensible options that just involve a bit of wit and resourcefulness."

Y/N paused, deep in thought, after several moments she said, "But since I am neither witty nor resourceful I am just going to wing it and hope for the best."

Y/N nodded her head, resolving to make it up as she went. Just as she finished making her decision the sound of the front door opening could be heard. Y/N's whole body stiffened at the sound and she started shaking in fear, but she mentally reprimanded herself. She needed to be brave for the sake of the Male Lead, and she could do anything for him, because of the power of love. (And also because of authors who don't know about any other form of motivation.)

"Where are youuuu, my treasured blossom?" Oyama's sing-song voice rang through the house as he skipped around, looking for Y/N.

"I-I'm in the living room," Y/N called, trying to keep her voice even as she squared her shoulders and gathered her courage. (Although she didn't need to make such a big deal about it considering that her protagonist armor was strong enough to protect her from all harm.)

"You have no idea how much I missed you, Y/N," Oyama exclaimed as he shot into the living room at the speed of light, swan diving onto the couch next to Y/N.

It took all of Y/N's resolve to not buckle and immediately push him away as he snuggled up to her. Come on, think! Think! Y/n thought desperately. Even though I am less creative than a communist who has been huffing spray paint, I need to come up with a way to knock Oyama out.

"I am just so elated that you are starting to settle into your life with me," Oyama sighed in contentment and he laid his head on Y/N's lap.  "My hair-brained plan actually worked. I can't believe it. We really are meant to be together."

Wow, the way that I'm sitting with Oyama, I could easily smother him with a couch pillow. I could also snap his neck, or break one of the lamps and stab him in the neck and all this torment would be over, Y/N thought. But I am pathetic and have the constitution of a dehydrated poppy, so I won't even attempt to kill Oyama even though it would be more than justified. Unfortunately, countless people will suffer and die because I was unable to slit this psychos throat. Oh well, don't want to dirty my protagonist halo.

Tentatively, Y/N tried to hit Oyama in the jaw, hoping to knock him out. He caught her fist in his hand before it made contact, rendering Y/N's attack useless.

"I can believe you just tried to hit me," Oyama growled, dragging Y/N to her feet. "And here I was hoping that you had warmed up to your life here with me."

He forcefully backed Y/N against the wall. "It wouldn't be a true Yandere x Reader if I didn't pin you suggestively against the wall at least once," He whispered darkly.

Y/N fond herself completely immobilized by fear, all her previous will, and fire dissipating like the SAO fandom after season 1. With almost no effort at all, Oyama had bested her. The yandere was always one step ahead of Y/N, wouldn't want the heroine to ever become privy to the power she holds over the yandere and use it to her advantage now, would we?

Oyama leaned in closer. Just as he was about to steal Y/N's first kiss, one of the framed photos of Y/N conveniently fell off the wall and hit him on the head.

He fell to the floor, unconscious, and Y/N stared down at him in bewilderment. "Wow, that was convenient. It's almost like I am a generic anime girl who bends the rules of the world around her for the ease of her life, but I eat jam on my toast so that can't be the case."

Right on cue, the Male Lead came striding out of the basement, looking perfect as always. "Y/N, you were right. I was able to use that soggy piece of cardboard to cut through my ropes and I sensed in my heart when it was the right time to come up and meet you. That freak didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, I'm alright," Y/N said hurrying over to Ichiro to give him a hug. "Come on, let's get out of here before he wakes up."

They walked to the front door together and pulled it open, (Oyama always left the key in the lock,) and walked out of the house. They found themselves in the garden of a generic house that was conveniently situated right next to Y/N's house. They hurried through the garden and stepped out onto the vacant night time street.

"We did it!" Y/N exclaimed joyfully. "We finally escaped, and there is no possible way that we will ever have to deal with him again!"


Wow, only one chapter (and an epilogue) left. Time flies, huh?

Don't worry though, I have another yandere book coming soon that you all can look forward to.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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