14. The Stalker is a Yandere. (Who Would Have Guessed?)

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Against her better judgment, and only further proving her idiocy, Y/N followed the average-height black-haired male into the living room. (Alas, the author is still lacking any descriptive words other than male.)

The living room would have been quite bland and generic had it not been for the walls that were papered in more pictures of Y/N, (just like the rest of the house.) The wood floor was covered by a throw rug with a giant mural of Y/N's face on it and the furniture was upholstered with custom printed fabric, (also with Y/N on it.) Sitting on the coffee table were little carved figurines, (all of them Y/N in various poses.)

"I hope you like the decor," Oyama whispered in Y/N's ear, startling her. She jumped away from him, and he sighed, disappointed. It was almost like he had been expecting Y/N to not be scared by something that is generally considered scary, (wow, who would have ever thought of that?) Then again, she is a Y/N in a yandere x reader, and I have yet to meet a Y/N who has her head screwed on correctly. (Making a believable Y/N is harder than following the installation manual for your budget desk from Ikea.)

"Where am I? And who are you?" Y/N repeated her questions. Even though she knew that she had a stalker and literally the entire house was decorated with nothing but her, she still couldn't put it together that maybe this generic suspicious male was actually her stalker.

"My name is Oyama, Oyama Yamada. And you're in my house, although I guess it's our house now," Oyama said, smiling. The sparkles in his eyes grew even brighter as he said it. "I hope you like it, Y/N."

"What?! What is this?! How do you know my name?!" Y/N gasped, completely shocked that someone who had decorated his entire home with images of her would somehow know her name. "And what do you mean this is our house?!"

"I've had my eye on you for a while, well not literally, but I was tempted to remove one of my eyeballs from its socket so that I could get the closest possible look at you a couple of times," Oyama said, laughing awkwardly. "I know everything about you Y/N, and yet I still failed to realize that abducting you probably wouldn't be the best way to win your affection."

Reaching out, he clasped Y/N's hands in his and large hearts appeared in his eyes. "Well, I just thought you should move in since couples generally live together," He paused. "Or at least I think they do. I conveniently have no parents that would get in the way of the plot, so my only reference for relationships comes from manga and anime." (I think I know why Oyama's so messed up now.)

"How did I get here?! And why would I ever be in a relationship with you, I've never met you before?!" Y/N screeched, tugged her hands away from Oyama, and backing away from him, finally a bit uneasy about her present situation.

"Well, I escorted (pronounced abducted) you here with the help of an innocent hydrangea bush," Oyama replied, pouting as he was no longer able to hold Y/N's hands.

"WHAT?! An innocent hydrangea bush helped you abduct me? I feel so betrayed!" Y/N exclaimed tears coming to her eyes from the sheer unexpectedness of the plot twist. "This is definitely no. 1 in the top ten anime betrayals!"

"Don't be sad my treasured blossom, we're together now, and all is well in the world," Oyama said dreamily. "No need to worry about climate change or inflation, as long as we're together everything is bound to go our way."

"Why would I ever want to be in a relationship with someone who kidnapped me?!" Y/N said, not considering that provoking Oyama might not be the best decision. "I don't even know you!! That's it I'm leaving!"

"You can't leave!" Oyama scolded her, snatching her wrist as tried to walk past him to the door. "Not after everything I did to make sure that no one would miss you after I took you. You are supposed to be all mine now. That's how the plot works."

"W-What did you do exactly?" Y/N asked, a slight tremble in her voice as she slowly turned around to face him. Even though she knew there had been a serial killer running around killing students from her school, she was still too much of a dumb-dumb to realize that maybe this guy was responsible.

"Oh, Why I killed every friend of yours that I could get my hands on, along with all the people who wrong you or even did so much as look at you the wrong way," Oyama said with a cheeky grin, as though he expected praise. "W-What's with that distraught look on your face my treasured blossom? I only systematically killed all the people you care about the most in this world, you look like I did something dreadful."


"You should run Y/N, and don't stop until you reach the safety of your room," Oyama whispered, trembling from head to foot. Tears poured down his cheeks and he looked quite unhinged. "I-I know that you don't mean those things Y/N y-your just confused, but it still hurts me to hear my soulmate say such things. I don't know if I'll be able to keep myself from doing something absurdly violent if you stay here."

Not needing further convincing, Y/N sprinting through the kitchen and back up the stairs to her bedroom. She slammed the door behind her and collapsed on her bed, sobbing.


I think that I set a new speed record writing this chapter. I don't really have much else to say today, so,

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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