7. Homura's Dramatic Irony.

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN Y/N HAS A CRUSH ON ELLIOT AND HAS BEEN MAKING MOVES ON HIM IN SECRET?!" Homura gasped in shock, betrayal sparking in her eyes.

"Keep your voice down unless you want the whole school to know," Oyama hissed at the maroon-haired girl standing next to him. He had ambushed her after she finished her sports activities. He wanted to gut her right there like a largemouth bass, but he knew that that would be both to cliche and a waste of resources on his part.

Why kill her now, when I can trick her into hating Y/N and then kill her? He thought maliciously as he spun a tale about Y/N seducing Elliot, even though Homura had told her that she liked him.

"I can't believe Y/N would do something like this to me! So not cool," Homura spat as she dropped to the ground to do some comfort pushups. "I trusted her, and she betrayed me by making moves on my man. Tch."

Oyama had to bite his lip to keep from snickering at how easily the jock had bought his lie. "Emi and Ichiro are in on it too. If I were you, I would confront them about it, and warn your friends in the sports club about Y/N so that no one else is hurt by her."

"Thank you for giving me good advice on such a personal matter that you somehow know about, even though I've literally never spoken to you before and know nothing about you!" Homura said, giving the yandere a grateful nod as she speed-walked towards the school. "I am going to believe every word you say without question, even though I know that Y/N has a creepy stalker and you fit the stereotype exactly."

Oyama waved her off as she ran into the school building to go confront Y/N. He couldn't help but chuckle at how easy it was to get Homura to do exactly what he wanted her to. Before meeting Y/N, one of his most favorite activities had been observing others' emotions and using them to his favor. It had been good fun, but now his practice in manipulating people could be put to use in securing his future with Y/N.

"That was just too easy," his graey eyes flashed in amusement as Homura's silhouette grew smaller and smaller. "If Homura was more rational she never would have believed the words of a stranger. People are so gullible and impulsive when they are emotional, that's why I do my best to avoid feeling things, except for Y/N, who I feel an unhealthy amount of emotions for, but that's ok because I am her yandere. Even though I have never even held a conversation with her, I am willing to go to unrealistic extremes for her, or more accurately, for fanservice - Anyway I better hurry, it would be a shame to miss the Homura fireworks going off."

. . .

"I have a sudden deep feeling of foreboding," Y/N said as she labored to shut her locker presently overflowing with love notes. "It's almost like I am about to be very sad. Maybe it was the white rice with salt I had for lunch?"

All at once, the floor of the hallway started vibrating rhythmically, as though a giant was shaking the ground with its steps. Moments later, a figure appeared at the end of the hall, blazing in anger. The girl was actually on fire though, it should have been something of great concern to the surrounding students, no one took notice as such pyrotechnic eruptions were quite common for Homura.

As soon as her flaming eyes locked with Y/N's she started walking directly at her, sparks and little streams of smoke rising off her like incense. A popping sound could be heard as the overhead lights exploded as she passed under them to greater show her aggressive mood.

"Oh dear, this probably won't end well," said every viewer watching this cliche scene unfold ever.

"Hey, Homura! How was your practice today?" Y/N asked, completely oblivious to the anger radiating off the brute of a girl towering over her.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB LIKE THE ANIME HEROINE WE BOTH KNOW YOU'RE NOT!" The maroon-haired girl spat, her fiery gaze intensifying. She slammed her fist against the lockers behind Y/N, her athletic aura punching a hole not only through the metal locker but the wall behind it as well.

"What do you mean???" Y/N asked confused, but not at all worried about the fact that her friend had just punched through metal and plaster with her bare hand.

"You have the nerve to play dumb even though I have told you nothing about what I am accusing you of, or why I'm suddenly coming after you in a towering rage, tch," Homura scoffed angrily. "Just confess already, slut."

"Excuse me, what?!" Y/N gasped, shocked by the insult, and still completely in the dark about what she had done to set off the human firework. "What did I do?"

"You seduced Elliot behind my back even though you know full well that I've liked him since we were kids, but never had the courage to tell him how I feel because I'm afraid I'm too butch to be liked by a man," Homura exploded, steam coming out of her ears.

"Well, in personality, and hobbies you do behave like a cliche lesbian," Y/N said, resting her hand against her chin in thought. "Maybe that's why Elliot never noticed that you liked him?"

"SHUT UP!!" Homura's hair went up in flames as her anger was stoked. "Elliot never noticing me has nothing to do with my bro-like behavior, derived from my dad who wanted a son instead of a daughter, and who I will carry mental scarring from for the rest of my life. Elliot didn't notice me because you have been distracting him with your painful lack of character depth and vanilla personality." 

Before Y/N could recover her shock from the surprisingly real and relevant things Homura had said, the maroon-haired athlete had stormed off, yelling over her shoulder, "EVEN THOUGH I HAVE NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THIS ACCUSATION OTHER THAN THE WORDS OF A SUSPICIOUS STRANGER, I AM GOING TO BELIEVE IT, BECAUSE IT IS EASIER THAN FACING THE FACT THAT ME OWN CHARACTER FLAWS AND INSECURITIES ARE TO BLAME!!! Consider our friendship over, Y/N."

Y/N felt herself start to tear up generically as the flaming silhouette of Homura stomped further and further away.

"Well, that was a surprise," Oyama said dryly from within his observation bush parked in the middle of the hallway. "Who would have guessed that it would be the tomboy, possibly lesbian friend, to betray Y/N instead of the boy-crazy girl? I know I never would have, even though all the author did was switch one character role in an overused cliche in a vain attempt to make it seem less cliche."


So... I... ah... Drew a picture of Elliot...

Would you like to see it...?

It's not the best so you might want to stop scrolling now...

You're still here? well, I guess I can't stall anymore... So...

Here it is. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

I know I'm not the best artist, but whenever I remind myself of how much worse I am at drawing digital art, stuff like this doesn't look so bad

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I know I'm not the best artist, but whenever I remind myself of how much worse I am at drawing digital art, stuff like this doesn't look so bad.

Anyway, I hope that you like Elliot, (such a cutie,) and let me know if you'd like to see me draw more of my characters.

The character suggested the most will be the one I attempt to do next, (please don't expect anything above mediocre though.)

Until next time I'll see you one the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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