16. Whatever Could Be in the Basement?

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"I'm going to go into the basement while Oyama is conveniently out," Y/N declared as soon as she heard the muffled sound of the front door shutting. "I mean, I know that my captor is mentally unstable and has killed over 30 people... It sounds like a great idea to do the one thing he told me not to do."

Y/N jumped out of bed and started to cross her generic bedroom, but she faltered as soon as she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. Her school uniform had been wrinkled to the point of horror and her tangled hair wasn't much better.

"Let's see, I have a limited window to check the basement while Oyama is out, but I look dreadful and should probably take a shower. Which would be the more prudent one to do first given the limited amount of time I have alone?" Y/N paused in thought, trying to come to a decision. "I'll pick the shower."

Y/N took some clothes from the dresser that matched some of the clothes she had in her old generic bedroom and entered the equally generic adjoining bathroom. Y/N showered and dressed at a leisurely pace, and waited until her hair had fully dried before she finally exited her room to go check out the basement.

She crept painfully slowly down the hall, even though she knew that Oyama wasn't in the house. (Y/N was a champion at wasting time after all.)

Reaching the ground floor, Y/N inched her way to the kitchen until she was faced with the same suspicious door she had been faced with the previous day. She raised her hand up to the handle but hesitated.

She drew in a couple of deep breaths to calm her nerves, (and waste even more time,) before she finally twisted the handle. The door to the basement opened with a stereotypical creak, revealing a flight of generic stairs leading down into the inky depths of a generic basement.

Y/N began her painfully suspenseful descent into the basement. Each step creaked obnoxiously as she continued her descent. Reaching the bottom of the steps Y/N found herself in near-total darkness. The only light came from small windows set high in the concrete walls.

It took Y/N eyes several moments to adjust to the darkness. Once they did she saw that she was standing in a generic unfinished basement with concrete walls and a couple of suspicious cardboard boxes tucked away in the far corner.

Y/N let out a dramatic gasp when she finally noticed the chair sitting in the center of the basement. A chair that had someone tied to it. Even though his face was bruised and bloody his unnatural attractiveness still radiated off him.

"ICHIRO?! What are you doing here?!" Y/N screeched in surprise.

"Y/N?! I could ask you the same thing." Despite the dangerous and grim situation that he was in, Ichiro's face broke into a wide grin when he caught sight of Y/N. (After all, all was well in the world now that the Male and Female lead had been reunited.) "The last thing I remember is walking you home. Next moment I woke up in this basement tied to this chair with some psycho towering over me screeching about being too close to you, while an innocent hydrangea bush loomed ominously in the background."

"Yes, the madman abducted me too," Y/N replied, not immediately rushing to untie Ichiro, for some unknown reason. "He confessed to killing over 30 people, and you'll never guess this, he also said that he was the one stalking me."

"WHAT?!" Ichiro gasped in surprise, his hair falling over his eyes perfectly even though it had a couple days of grease built up in it. One of the many perks of being a Male Lead was that he got to look handsome regardless of his situation. "I never would have guessed that the guy who abducted my, tied me to a chair in his basement, and threatened to kill me for spending too much time with you was actually your stalker. What a surprise."

"I know, I was just as surprised as you," Y/N agreed. "We need to escape before he does anything worse, like dismember us or force us the watch Kiss Note. That anime is so cringy and cliche."

A/N (Full disclosure, Kiss Note was the first anime I watched along with Glitter Force... Yeah...)

"You're right," Ichiro nodded his head in agreement. "But luckily, I have a plan. Instead of you running up to the kitchen and grabbing a knife or a pair of scissors to cut me loose enabling us both to escape in under five minutes while the yandere is conveniently out, we are going to wait until the cover of darkness at which time you will find a way to incapacitate the yandere. And because of our incredible plot protection, I will know to magically escape from my bonds so that we can complete the illogical and vastly improbable escape together."

"Wow, you're so clever," Y/N praised him, her eyes shining. "Then again, even if your dialect consisted of nothing but memes and exclamatory 'yeet' I would still fawn all over your golden tongue because you are the Male Lead."

Hurrying over to the cardboard boxes, filled with vases and many other easily breakable bits of glass, (perfect for cutting through rope,) Y/N reached out and started to tear at the cardboard box.

Once she had a long strip in her hand she returned to Ichiro and gave the strip of cardboard to him. "Here, you can use this to cut through your ropes. I have to go before Oyama discovers that I've been down here. I will follow our escape plan. You will feel it in your heart when it's the right time to come upstairs and join me."


This book is so entertaining to write. I hope that you are finding it just as fun as I am.

(Also, I wasn't lying about Kiss Note and Glitter Force being my first animes.) My taste has evolved since then though, don't worry.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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