Chapter 5

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"It's funny that you actually think that I know everyone here. Or even someone." Tewksbury replied. "But who are you talking about ?"

"This guy." She said pointing at someone.

The guy in question was looking around, like if he was checking if anyone was watching him. He then put his hand behind his back. At the same time, another man, with a glass of champagne in one hand, and money in the other turned his back to the first guy and gave him the money.

"What was that ?" Enola asked.

"I don't know but did you see how much money the other guy gave him ? It was like, 15 pounds sterling." 

"Did you recognize any of them ?"

"Um... I don't thi- Wait. The money guy was Isabella's father ! My uncle's old friend."

Enola stayed quiet for a moment.

"What are you thinking about ?" the boy asked.

"Huh ? Oh, um nothing. It's nothing."

He gave her a suspicious look but didn't say anything.

"You know what ?" He said after a moment of silence, "Let's dance."

"What ? We have a real problem here Tewksbury I don't have time to dance !"

"Pleaseee ?" He gave her puppy eyes, "Let's say it's your present."

"But I can't be seen by Sherlock !"

"He won't recognize you." he scanned the room with his eyes, "And he's not even here anymore."

"What ? Why did he leave ?"

"We don't care right now just dance with me."

He offered her his hand. She stared at it and after a moment of hesitation, sighed and took it.

"Alright. But I can't dance so at your own risk." She smirked.

They got out of the hiding place and he led her to the middle of the room. People watched them as they started dancing and soon, other couples joined them. While dancing, Enola was observing the room. She saw the girl Tewksbury was talking about earlier, Isabella, staring at them. She seemed really mad and frustrated. Beside her was standing her father, the money guy. He seemed pretty satisfied and Enola didn't like it at all.  She continued to observe everything around her when suddenly she put her hands on her partner's shoulders and bend down.

"EVERYBODY DOWN !" She shouted while a gunshot was heard by everyone in the room.

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