Chapter 18

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Tewksbury was getting better as the days passed. He was still sad, of course, but at least he wasn't staying in his room all day anymore.

The boy was painting in the garden when his mother's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Dear, I know you probably don't want to talk about it right now, but your uncle and I are really worried about you, and we think you need to meet someone-"

"Mother, I don't need a girl."

"She could make you happy ! That's why we decided to invite most of the girls of the country at a ball next week."

'What in the Cinderella...'

"What ? It doesn't work like that, my life is not a fairytale. And why are you making such a big deal about me not having a wife yet ? You find a new girl every month."

"Darling it's very important to us ! All we want is your happiness. Moreover, I already announced it in 10 different newspapers so you don't really have a choice."


A week later, Tewksbury was getting ready for the ball. He stood in front of the mirror and sighed.

He walked down the stairs and his eyes widened at the view of the people in the room. So. Many. Strangers. There were even photographers in the corner of the room, taking pictures of everything.

'Come on. You can do it'

The boy took a deep breathe and walked towards his family.

"Good evening."

"William! I am so glad you came." Whimbrel said.

'Yeah well, we all know I won't find the right girl tonight.'

"It would have been rude of me not to."

"Alright, now that you're here the ball can officially start. Go sit at the table."

The boy sat on the chair and instantly all the girls rushed toward him, forming a line. The first sat across from him. There were so many girls that Tewksbury couldn't have a full conversation with them all, unless he wanted to stay here all night. So he chose one question to ask all of them.

"One word to describe me ?"

With that question, he could know if they liked the real him and not just his money or title.










"Good looking"


It was approximately that for the next 2 hours. He has seen blond, auburn, dark, red haired girls, green, blue, brown, black eyed girl, tall, tiny, medium heighted girls, very pretty to less pretty girls but none seemed right for him. Another girl sat but he was so exhausted he barely looked at her.

"One word to describe me ?" he asked, yawning.


That was enough for him to open his eyes wide.

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