Chapter 15

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Enola and Tewksbury really had fun together. But now it was time to go back. People would eventually notice they left. If they hadn't yet. As they walked in the room, two people ran to them.

"Where have you been ?" Eliza asked.

"Oh, uh, we were... Well, we left." Tewksbury said.

"We have been looking for you for 2 hours !"

"We are so sorry, we didn't realize we were gone for so long" Enola apologized.

"Yeah. Whatever." Thomas said, walking away.

"Wait. Thomas ! Why are you so mad ?"

"Why am I mad ? WHY AM I MAD ?!" he shouted, "I SPENT THE LAST MONTH WITH YOU, I TRIED TO GET YOU AWAY FROM HIM, TO MAKE YOU FORGET HIM. I really tried. And now you run away from your birthday with HIM ?"

She mentally rolled her eyes.


"You do know that you sound ridiculous right ? Yes, I left with him. Not you. Him. And you know why ? Because I can do whatever I want. With whoever I want. And if you can't accept that, then I guess I will have to get used to the fact that you are not my friend anymore. Now, you can leave. Thank you."

She lifted her chin and walked away.

Tewksbury looked at the girl, then at Eliza. She smiled sadly.

"Go. Follow her. I know you want to."

And with that, she left with her brother and the boy followed Enola.

"Wait. Enola !"

She stopped and turned around.

"Are you alright ?" he asked.

"Yeah." she smiled, shrugging "We weren't that close anyway."

"Well, thanks for taking my side."


Enola and TewksburyWhere stories live. Discover now