Chapter 21

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After dinner, Enola went upstairs and got in bed, getting ready to sleep. But she couldn't and didn't even know why. Nothing special was bothering her. Her eyes just refused to close. The girl decided to read a book and went to the library.

An hour later she closed her book and sighed. Still not tired. She walked in the corridor and stopped by Tewkesbury's door.

'I shouldn't wake him up. Although... he once said that I could come if I needed anything. And I need company.'

So she knocked. But nobody answered. Enola slowly pushed the door and saw the boy sleeping. He looked really peaceful like that, she thought before grabbing his shoulders and shaking him awake.

"WHA- Enola ! What on earth are you doing here ?" he said, confused and still half-asleep.

"I can't sleep."

"I can. Goodnight."

"Tewkesbury I forbid you to leave me alone ! I'm bored."

"Ugh. Fine. What do you want to do ?"

"Nothing special. Just talk."

"Okay then let's talk. Um... oh, your birthday is coming soon isn't it ?"

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about it. I suppose your mother will want to do a ball or something like that ?"

"Probably." he replied, trying to hide a yawn.

"Okay I get it, you're tired. Go back to sleep if you want."

"No no I'm fine I promi-" 

He fell asleep in the middle of his sentence. Enola tried not to laugh and put a blanket on him. She waited a few minutes, just in case he would wake up again. She brushed the hair covering his eyes out of the way, so she could see his face. Now that she thought about it, he was rather handsome. Of course, she'd always known he wasn't hideous, with all the debutantes throwing themselves at him, but he really had lovely features. That was the last thing she thought about before she dozed off.

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