Chapter 11

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The door opened and the cook walked in.

"Oh my..." she said, looking at the two kids covered of flour.

"Oh, um, hey Martha." Tewksbury said, getting up.

Enola followed him and her eyes widened when she saw the mess in the kitchen.

"I am so sorry about that," she said, "I'll clean."

"We'll clean. But what are you doing here so late ?"

"Late ? I always wake up at 5am to do the breakfast."

"5AM ?!" they both said.

"Oh my god, how long have we been there ?"

"We better start cleaning before the rest of the staff arrive."

"I'm going out to buy some food, I want my kitchen to be clean when I'll come back." Martha said, leaving.

They started cleaning in an awkward silence.

"Uh, you should go get some sleep before breakfast. I can finish the cleaning. After all, I started the fight." Tewksbury said.

"No no, it's okay, I'm not tired anyway."

He nodded. Back to the awkward silence.


Later this morning, Enola was reading in the library when she heard unfamiliar voices. She walked down the stairs and hid behind a wall. She recognized Lady Tewksbury's voice.

"It is so nice to see you Charles !"

'Charles ?'

"The pleasure is mine." a man's voice said.

Enola tried to stick out her head without being seen. "Charles" was a man, a little older than Whimbrel Tewksbury, he seemed rich, at least his clothes did, and beside him was standing a girl.

'Oh no. Is it-'

"And you Eliza ! You look lovely !"

'Was that the girl they were talking about last night ?'

Here we go again, the feeling.

Eliza really was pretty. Blond hair, blue eyes, beautiful dress... And the worst, was that she seemed nice. 

Enola was thinking when she heard a familiar voice.

'Oh no.'

"It's nice to meet you" Tewksbury said, shaking hands with Charles.

'You know what ? I shouldn't be listening.'

So she left and went back to the library.


The day passed and soon, Enola was getting ready for diner. She walked down the stairs and sat a her usual place. Tewksbury wasn't here yet.

'Huh. Weird. He's always here before me.'

"Um, where is Tewksbury ?" she asked.

"He was with Eliza all day. I suppose he will be here soon."

The feeling. But Enola wasn't supposed to know Eliza so she asked.

"Who is Eliza ?"

"Oh right. I forgot you hadn't met her yet. She is the daughter of a duke and she is having dinner with us so you will see her in a few minutes." Lady Tewksbury replied.

The feeling. The feeling. The feeling. The feeling.

Enola tried not to think about it and started to eat.

"Sorry we are late. I was showing Eliza around." Tewksbury said.

They sat and started to eat.

"Eliza, dear, do you like it here ?" Lady Tewksbury asked.

"I love it. The garden is so beautiful I could spend days painting the flowers."

Enola mentally rolled her eyes. 

"Um, did I meet you ?" she asked the girl.

"Oh, no. I'm Enola. Enola Holmes. Nice to meet you." she smiled politely.

"Holmes ? Like..."

"Sherlock Holmes yes. I'm his sister."

"Wow you really are lucky."

Enola smiled.

'I don't like her.'

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