6. I Know Who You Are

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Percy stayed in her room for the rest of the day, not wanting to have to deal with the pity of Jason's family. She just sat on the queen sized bed with her small photo album on her lap, remembering better times.
However, when the sun finally set casting an orange glow throughout the room she decided to venture out.
She couldn't hide from them for the next two days, she wasn't a coward after all. Besides she had an inkling that she would be seeing a lot of them for the next month, until she moved to New Rome.

She made her way down the hall, careful to not make a sound.
When Percy finally reached the living room she was mildly surprised to only find Tim, and Damian sitting there.
The boys, having looked up as she entered the room, just stared at her for a minute, not quite knowing what to say.

Tim cleared his throat and awkwardly ran his fingers through his hair, looking rather sheepish. "I'm sorry about earlier, Bruce told us.....We were just really worried, and we didn't know where you went. We thought you ran and-" Percy cut Tim off.
"Look it's fine. I understand, you didn't know. All is well." She paused for a moment, her eyebrows scrunching together. "Speaking of which, where is Bruce and Dick?"
The sleep deprived teen fiddled with his coffee mug "Well Dick went off to get groceries with Alfred, and Bruce is visiting an old friend, something about having questions?"
"Oh." Was her intelligent response.

She turned her attention to the youngest of the Waynes, needing something to distract her from the morning. Considering he had the build and posture of a swordsman Damian was perfect.
Not to mention he was supposedly trained my assassins.

"Do you wanna spar?"
Damian put down the book he was reading, and looked her up and down, seemingly assessing her.
"Tt and why would I want to spar with you Jackson?"
Percy simply raised her eyebrow. "We both might learn something."
His mouth formed a frown, but he took it as an acceptable answer as he stood to his feet and lead Percy out of the room, with a very concerned Tim trailing after them.


The Waynes had an impressive training room, not quite as impressive as Camp Halfblood's but for mortals it was very good.
Damian walked over towards a wall of swords and Percy followed close behind. The thirteen year old looked over his shoulder at Percy "With or without blades?"
He gave a brief nod before reaching up  grabbing a katana off it's rack, and then stepped back to allow Percy to find a suitable sword.

The demigod held her breath as her eyes scanned the countless swords on the wall. Then her eyes caught sight of a familiar shape.
She reached forward and grabbed a Xiphos sword (the same kind of sword Riptide is) from its rack and swung it a few times, happy with the balance as well as the weight, she looked back at Damian who furrowed his brows at her choice.
"A Greek sword? Very well." She followed the raven-haired boy to the centre of the room.
Damian raised his sword evenly in front of him, making it easy to either go in defense or offence. His weight was balanced, and both feet were planted firmly into the ground.
He's good.

Pretending to struggle with the weight of the sword she raised hers as well.

From the corner of her eye she saw Tim wince, Damian just smirked.
"Guys is this really smar-"
"Tt shut it Drake. Jackson knew what she was doing when she asked to spar."

With that Damian charged her, Percy quickly dodged to the side and promptly hit him in the head with the hilt, not hard enough to knock him out only to daze him.
Instead of scowling, like she thought he would, Damian smirked slightly, anticipation visible in his guarded eyes.

They exchanged blows, Percy going easy on the young teen, not wanting to expose herself as a demigod. Yet Damian was still forced to go defensive for most of their match.
He was quite skilled with the sword, Jason(Grace) being only slightly better than him.
He fought with speed and wit, continually trying to outsmart the demigod. The way he fought reminded her of a certain child of Athena.
In her moment of distraction, Damian had managed to hit her with the blunt side of his sword, making her arm thob and forcing her focus back on the fight.
After about five more minutes of them going back and forth, Percy decided to end it.
She raised  her sword in order to bring it down with powerful force, leaving her chest exposed.
Damian used this to his advantage and brought his katana to her exposed chest, stopping inches from her heart.
The demigod slowly lowered her Xiphos and turned to put it back on the rack.

Tim let out a loud sigh of relief behind her, making Percy smirk, she reached up and carefully put the Xiphos in its place. She heard a small clank beside her as Damian put away his katana as well.

Turning back around she saw Tim walking up to her from where he was standing, a small frown on his face. "Are you okay?"
The ravenette tilted her head to the side, very obviously confused.

Tim let out a frustrated huff of air, "I meant your arm, Dami hit it pretty good there."
"Oh that, yeah I'm good."
Before Tim could voice his doubt, they heard a familiar voice calling them from the direction of the front entrance.
"Timmy? Dami? Where are you?"

"Tt sounds like Graysons' back."
Percy looked over at Damian fondly, he was skilled with a blade, acted cut off from everyone, and even through his words could be considered rude she could hear the affection in them.
He is just like Nico.

Tim, having forgotten about his previous worry, started heading towards the door with Percy trailing after him.

But just as she reached the door a hand pulled her back, she whipped her head around and sent Damian a questioning look.
"We need to talk Perseus. That is your real name isn't it?" Percy stared at him, her mouth wide open in shock.
How could he know?

Then she came back to her senses, and pined the young teen to the wall, Riptide drawn and held against his throat.
"How do you know that." She hissed, her sea-green eyes glaring daggers.

To be continued.....

Once again,
Suggestions would be very much appreciated:)
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