14. Talk Amongst Warriors

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July 14
12:13 am


"Wh-No." The teen shifted from foot to foot as he hurriedly tried to think of what to say. It was Damian's first time out on patrol since 'The rat incident' and out of everyone he had to 'save' it had to be Perseus Jackson, the two-time saviour of Olympus.
Even though she tended to act like an imbecile, he was always amazed by the depth of her eyes, the way they seemed to know so much too much.
The night is turning out to be just loathsome.

Instead of attempting to craft an idiotic fib, the young teen studied the demigod in front of him and with a sigh he realized that no lie would work. Percy's eyes held shock, yes, but there was also recognition shinning in her bright sea-green orbs.
He was, as Tim would say, Royally screwed.

Percy's eyes widened, as if she hadn't expected him to actually admit to being Robin. "Does that mean that Batman is-"
Damian quickly cut her off. "Yes." He motioned with his hands that people could be listening, she showed him she understood with a small nod.

He promptly looked around, satisfied that only the unconscious men were around he motioned for her to follow him.
The police would be there very soon anyway.


"When did you become Robin? I mean I know there have been multip- wait.... was Jason Robin?" Percy's mouth opened and closed like a fish. Damian tsked quietly before answering, "Yes he was but.... well, you both have seeing hades in common."
Percy nodded her head slowly it made sense that would be where his white tuft of hair came from, it also wasn't unheard of for the dead to come back to life.
I'm sure I've heard a myth about that.

She opened her mouth to ask another question when she froze, her eyes widening with understanding. "Was...was that why he abandoned me?" She said in a small voice.
"He always said he was protecting me, but I thought he just didn't want to see me anymore that he thought of me as burden. I thought that he had forgotten about me, that's why three years ago...." she trailed off ending her ramble, not wanting Damian to know quite yet just how much of a coward she really was.

The raven haired boy didn't catch on though, "What happened three years a-" he was cut off by a small mumble of noises coming from his earpiece, "I'll be there in a moment Batman." He responded after tapping the small device, he looked back at Percy for a moment not quite certain how to word his next sentence, thankfully Percy understood. "Bru-Batman needs your help, go, I won't tell anyone I promise."

With a small nod the vigilante stood to his feet and looked down from the building they had climbed on top of for their little talk, in one smooth moment he grabbed his grappling gun and leaped off of the building to the next.
Percy watched in awe as the small teen maneuvered himself gracefully around the tall skyscraper just ahead and out of sight.


So the Waynes were the Bats it made sense in a way, she had noticed they seemed trained and trained well, granted she didn't really know what was normal for mortals or not.
Didn't  the first Robin become Night...Nightwing?
That must be Dick. Though she hadn't heard of others, did Tim and Jason not continue crime fighting?

But the thing that shocked her the most ways the fact her brother was Robin.
He actually was trying to protect me.

She smiled sadly into the night, suddenly seeing her past conversations with Jason a little differently.
He has always been a good brother.

Then she remembered what Damian had said, Jason had gone to hades, he's died. That can't be easy for a mortal, heck, it'd be traumatic for a demigod... and if he died whilst being Robin... she could only imagine the events leading to his death.
I guess both of us have gone through our own version of Tartarus.


Please read this as it has to do with the future of the book;

{Should Percy go to New Rome and move in with Piper and Jason?}
Now if this were to happen I wouldn't write it, there would be a time skip as it's been awhile since I've read the books and I would want it to be as accurate as possible, I just don't have the time to re-read them.

{Or, Should Percy not go to New Rome and stay with the Waynes?}
I'm not quite sure how I would write this yet, but this would be a bit easier for me to write overall.

Whichever I end up doing I'm slowly getting to the end of what I have planned so some ideas for where this story could go would be appreciated:)

Also I just want to thank you guys for all the sweet comments as well 700+ votes!!
You guys have been amazing!


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