16. A Good Day

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July 15


Percy stood from her bed, a small smile on her face as she walked into the bathroom connected to her room. Somehow she just knew she would be okay. She still felt the heavy guilt of not saving them, however, she felt determined to make up for her past mistakes, her failures.

She had been given a second chance, a chance to make up with her brother and keep him safe. She didn't plan on wasting it, she would protect Jason as well as his family.
They are already targeted by those in the mortal world, they don't need to worry about the godly world as well.

She grinned to herself as she as she began to brush out her hair, Percy would keep them safe no matter what and today would be a good day.
This she was sure.


Jason made his way down to the kitchen with a scowl on his face.
Stupid Bruce and his stupid rules.

He got his guns taken away, all of them, and for two whole weeks! Just for taping the Demon to a punching bag! It wasn't like they did anything to him!
And Tim's punishment?
If you could even call it that.
Was just getting his precious caffeine taken from him for eight hours! Eight! It had already been eight hours, no doubt the teen was already chugging a large mug of the stuff somewhere.

Jason dramatically sat down at the counter with a heavy sigh, and waited for the rest to slowly wake up and head down as well.

He looked around the kitchen with a frown, wondering where the kind old butler was.
He's probably out getting groceries.

"Good morning Jay!"
The sound of his sister's chipper voice made him look up with a small smile.
It's good to hear her sounding happy.
"Good morning Percy."

Jason had decided long ago to not question his sister about... possibly being a terrorist, besides Bruce hadn't brought it up again. He didn't think asking your sibling if they are a terrorist would be a good bonding experience.

"-do you think you could?"
Jason focused back on his sister, blinking slowly as he realized she had just asked him a question. "Huh?"
Percy let out a soft chuckle shaking her head, "I asked if you could show me around Gotham a bit. I mean I already looked around and I remember some from when we were little, but you actually love the city and it's probably changed since-"

Jason cut off Percy's ramble."Percy I'd love to show you around Gotham."
His sister gave him a look of gratitude before taking the seat beside him.


It wasn't long until the others came down, all besides Bruce that is, he instead headed straight for his office at Wayne Enterprises.
What a dweeb.

Dick made the lot of them breakfast, managing somehow to burn only the corners of the bacon. For him that was an improvement.

Replacement and the blood son had a scuffle, Jason didn't pay attention fights after all were a common occurrence in Wayne Manor, he instead focused on picking off the burnt parts of his bacon.
Hell Dick really needs to learn how to cook, how the hell is he ever gonna get a woman if-

Jason zoned back in as his eye caught the sharp metallic gleam of a knife.
Today just got a whole lot more interesting.

His momentary excitement was cut short as said knife came soaring out of demon's hands and straight towards Tim.
It would have hit the teen if not for him dodging expertly, now that would have been all fine and dandy if not for the fact Percy was standing mere feet behind Tim and the knife was now sailing directly towards her chest.

The world seemed to slow as Jason stood to his feet in a feeble attempt to reach his sister in time, cursing himself for not bringing his throwing stars to breakfast.

However when the knife was only inches from her chest Percy simply reached out and grabbed it, seemingly completely unaware of the panic in the four boys around her.
The three past Robins just stared at Percy as she examined the knife before skillfully tossing it back to a smirking Damian, "Good throw, though next time maybe don't waste it on your brother."
"Very well Percy."

"Haha that's my sister!" Jason said loudly with a wide grin on his face as he stepped forward giving his sister a rough pat on the back.

Tim shook his head and muttered something under his breath before sitting back down and siping from his large mug.

Two loud knocks sounded at the door, causing the five of them to look up with confused expressions.
Who could it be? Nether Bruce nor Alfred would knock, they would just come in.

Tim let of a huff of air, placing down his enormous cup of coffee before standing, "I'll go see who it is."

They listened intently as Tim's footsteps slowly made it to the door, before he opened it with a small creak. Then Tim's voice was heard, obviously confused.
"𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶?"


Okay the next chapter will probably take a bit of time to write.... considering a lot will be taking place in it —so please don't rush me!

Also who do you think it is at the door?

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