23. A Silent Snowfall

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December 12


The snow fell softly over the crime capital of the world, the frozen droplets of water always seemed to quiet everything.
As if every time it snowed the entire city held its breath in anticipation.

A lone figure stood out against the night sky high above the city below, in his hand he held a small bronze flip phone.
He gripped it firmly in his hand, careful to not drop it.
Hesitatingly the figure opened it, pressing the number that popped up on the small screen, he held it to his ear and waited.


Percy fiddled with her 'normal' pen as she worked on the high assignment before her, squinting as she tried to read the English writing.

You would think that since it was a flipping Roman collage it would be in Latin but no. Even if she wasn't completely fluent in the language Percy wished it was Latin instead of English. Jason(Grace) had given her a Latin-Greek dictionary to help her translate so she was wasn't completely hopeless.

A buzz sounded from her phone giving her something else to do besides her work. With a wide grin she flipped it open, the smile fading as she read the number on the screen.

Hesitatingly she answered and put the phone up to her ear.

"Hey Jay." She hoped that her brother wouldn't hear the crack in her voice.
It had been almost four months since they had last spoken on the steps of Wayne manor, Percy had been to scared to call.

"Hey Perce." She sighed in relief at hearing her brother's voice.
He was fine.
Although it was muffled slightly, and there was the sound of a city in the background, making her think he had called her whilst 'out on patrol' as Damian had called it.

"I...I was wondering if you would want to visit for Christmas... you don't have to, but it would be nice... to see you again."
Percy remained silent for a moment, not knowing quite how to respond.
She had left to protect the Waynes.

"I don't know Jay, I'll think about it."
"Ok...That's good."

Just when Percy was about to ask her brother how he had been a loud knock sounded at her door, causing her to look up suddenly.
"Aqua-girl you in there?"

"Yeah! Give me a minute!" Yelling back in order to keep Leo from barging in.
"Well you don't have a minute! You promised to help me with my new-"
Percy quickly cut off the son of Hephaestus before he could say anything that could expose her as a demigod to her brother.
"Okay okay I'm coming!"

"Was that the Leo kid that came to the manor with that chick you beat up?"

Percy smiled to herself as she remembered that fond memory. "Yeah it was, and I didn't beat Calypso up, I just punched her."
She let a laugh escape her lips before her ears picked up the sound of Leo trying to pick the lock. Percy made a mental note to whoop the Stolls for teaching the hyper son of Hephaestus to do that. "Er I have to go Jason, it was nice talking to you... I'll think about it."

"Thanks Perce, stay safe, love you."
With that Percy hung up before walking over to the door with her coat in hand.
Her thoughts still on Jason's question, even as she gave Leo a playful smack and push down the hall towards his temporary shop at Now Rome.


December 24

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