11. Who Are You

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It took them mere moments to be transported from the dingy alleyway to the majestic front gates of Wayne manor, Percy still found it hard to believe that her older brother had been staying in such a nice place for the last nine years.
Granted it shouldn't be that hard to believe considering the fact I'm an aunt to countless winged horses.

Her train of thought was interrupted by a sudden blaargh from behind her, followed by a familiar repulsive smell. The daughter of Poisieden turned around to see Damian leaned over a bush heaving his guts out, she hurried walked over to him laying a hand on his back and gently rubbing. "You okay Dami?"

The young teen hurridly jerked back from the sudden touch, "I'm fine Jackson, and don't you dare tell anyone of this."
Letting out a sigh, she stepped back from the black-haired boy, it was obvious that he was embarrassed. "It's fine Damian, shadow-traveling takes some getting used to."
Damian glared at her as he wiped the vomit from his mouth with his sleeve. "Did you upchuck your first time Jackson?"


"Tt exactly. I was trained by the League of Assassins, I should be better than this." Damian walked through the gates and towards the grand entrance of the manor, stomping with each step.

"Have you saved the world three times? have you fought Ares and won? Or have you gone through Tartarus and lived to tell the tale?"

The thirteen-year-old stopped to look back to Nico, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion. "No.."

"Then you cannot compare yourself to Percy, I doubt anyone will ever be able to accomplish everything she has. For a mortal, you handled it better than most, even if you were trained by the League of Assassins. Whatever that is."
With that Nico turned back to his cousin giving her a small nod. "See you around Perce."

"See ya Neeks, Tell Will I say hi!"
He nodded once more before walking back into the shadow of the tree and disappearing.

Percy smiled to herself for a moment before joining Damian and following him towards the front door. She noticed the small teen kept looking at her from the corner of her eye. "What?"
"Is it true you survived Tartarus? I simply thought it an over-exaggeration."

The demigod stopped in her steps and stared at the ground, and for a moment it wasn't gravel she was staring at.
For a moment it was the deep red sharp rocks that made up the floor of Tartarus. For a moment she wasn't breathing in oxygen, but the toxic air.
For a moment-
She quickly shook her head and looked back at Damian.
No. Don't think about that.

"Yes, I did." At the look of shock on Damian's face, she shook her head. "I was lucky, I fell in with Annabeth. Nico however was alone."
"Di Angelo survived Tartarus alone?"

Percy nodded sadly as she began to walk towards the manor again. She could tell the young teen had more questions that he wanted to ask and she was grateful that he held them in.

Trying to think of anything else but Tartarus, Percy wondered what it could possibly be that Jason wanted to talk to her about. She hoped that it wasn't about her many scars. She wasn't ashamed of them, but she couldn't just tell her brother that she has fought in two wars and has monsters chasing after her every waking minute seeking revenge on her.

Damian, who was a few steps in front of her, opened the door wide and turned back to her. "I"m going to change out of....these."
The ravenette nodded in understanding, after all, his pant legs as well as sleeve, had a few splashes of half ingested fries and milkshake on them.

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