15. Snitches Get Stitches

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July 14


"Jason! Get off-ewww"
Percy's struggled cries echoed throughout the manor.
"What? I'm not allowed to sit beside my favourite sister?" He said with a look of mock hurt as he dramatically held his hand to his heart. "Besides someone ran off yesterday and effectively avoided her most beloved brother."

Percy shifted under Jason's very disgusting feet so he could see her, "firstly I'm your only sister genius, and second get off!!" When Jason didn't move his feet she attempted to push them off, again, however her brother's crazy thicc thighs weren't just for show and his legs didn't budge.

She gave up with a heavy sigh. "I also wanted to check Gotham out." At Jason's deeply concerned look she quickly added. "I met up with Damian later on don't worry."
"What do you mean later?"
Styx I'm not supposed to know.

Percy shrugged "I don't know later." Refusing to met Jason's suspicious gaze instead lifting up her hand and picking at her nails.
"No seriously what do you-"
"Percy! Can you play.... what is happening?"
The two siblings looked up as Tim walked into the living room, obviously confused by the mildly awkward atmosphere he walked into.

Percy simply stared up at Tim with a wide smile, internally thanking every single god she could think of for sending Tim and changing the subject.
She quickly squeezed and wiggled up and out of Jason's revolting feet she gracefully flipped over the back of the couch, her landing not so graceful.

Jumping to her feet and sticking her tongue out at Jason's very amused expression, she turned back to Tim, "Play what?"
The teen blinked slowly his mind blank for a moment before he internalized her words. "Oh uh, I was going to ask if you wanted to play minecraft."

The demigod tilted her head to the side her eyebrows drawing together in puzzlement. "Why didn't you just ask-"

"Dick just goes off exploring and either falls off a cliff or falls into a pool of lava, Damian just kills and loots me, and Jason..." He turned to look at her brother almost begging him not to murder him for his next couple of words. ".... is okay, but he just goes off on monster killing sprees and somehow built a huge bomb and killed us both."

Jason lifted up both his hands "that was one time, I said I was sorry."
Before the two of them could start to bicker Percy stepped in. "I would absolutely love to.... but I promised Damian I would teach him some Greek so... I'm just gonna go." Without looking to see their reaction she quickly hurried out of the room and headed off to Damian's.

Jason stared off after his sister, yet another thing he didn't know about her. "She knows Greek?"
Tim eyed Jason, "Doesn't Damian too?"


"Heya Lil demon, I told Jason and Tim I was going to teach you Greek so..."
The small teen looked up at her from his cluttered desk with a blank expression on his face. "One problem Percy, I already know Greek."

"Oh Styx, wait the League of Assassins know Ancient Greek? Did a demigod teach you?"
"Wait you wish to teach me Ancient Greek? Wouldn't that be a tactical disadvantage?"
Percy just stared at him, "What?"
With a huff Damian put down the book in his hand and turned in his seat. "Only those of the godly world know Ancient Greek, it's a dead language after all, if you were to teach me I would also be able to understand your secret conversations."

Percy made a puh noise and casually leaned against the desk, "Yeah I don't really care, besides we fight against monsters not mortals."

The young teen mumbled something under his breath, too quiet for Percy to hear. "What?"
"Tt fine I will let you teach me Ancient Greek."


Damian proved that he wasn't only a fast learner when it came to the blade, he had most of the basics memorized by the time Tim and Jason burst into the room about an hour after they started.
Without a word the two boys crossed the room and grabbed the tater tot from underneath his arms and begun to drag him out of the room as he hollered and kicked.

Percy watched with an eyebrow raised but didn't say anything, she had, after all, gotten used to this sort of thing from her many summers at camp.

As the young teen's voice began to fade off into the distance Percy scanned the room with a small smile.
Gotta give it to the kid, he really does love his katanas.

There was a whole wall dedicated to the one-side bladed swords, it reminded her of camp in a way. She quickly shook her head to clear her thoughts, and decided to head back down to the living room now that the pest was gone.
Humming a tune as she skipped down the hall.


In half an hour Percy had managed to go to kitchen and get a quick snack then back to the living room, as she dumped the last of the crumps into her mouth she looked down into the empty bag of chips guiltily.

Gods I'm going to get fat whilst living here. Then again it's fine, I'll just be a thick queen. It's fine Coach Hedge will-

With a heavy sigh Percy grudgingly stood up from the warm couch and headed off towards the Gym.
Stopping to look at some of the grand paintings on the wall, with a smile she thought of Rachel's own artwork.

As she finally reached the Gym she hard a small muffled sound.
They wouldn't- they did.

Before her was a very pissed Damian duck taped to a punching bag a small strip covering his mouth, with a highly amused Jason and Tim standing in front of him.
Just as soon as she entered the room she left, not wanting to choose a side, although she did let out a tiny snicker.

On her long walk back to the living room she ran into Bruce.
Guess he didn't ho to the office today.

She looked at the man differently now, with respect the man was indeed a good actor.
Her cousin had told her of the masked man called Batman, he was very intelligent as ruthless as he was kind and a good man to have as your friend. Although Percy suspected that her cousin and him were something a little more than friends at some point, there was always a little wistfulness when she spoke of him.

"Do you know where Damian is? I've been looking for him for awhile now."
Percy only shook her head, "Snitches get Stitches."
She chuckled at the alarmed look on his face as he mumble a quick "They didn't." Before running off down the hall from where she came.
Living with the Waynes really something.


Percy smiled to herself as she got ready for bed, today had been a good day.
Her and Jason's relationship was no longer strained, though it wasn't yet like how it used to be, but how could it?
Both of them were keeping gigantic secrets from each other, granted Percy knew his, he just didn't know it yet.

Of course Percy wasn't going to tell him she was a demigod, how could she?
She dragged Sally into this life and she ended up dead.
No. Even if Jason could handle himself she didn't want to risk it.
She just got her brother back, she wasn't going to loss him as well.
No, this time I'm keeping my family safe.


Well I have officially chosen which route I'm going to go along with for the story....

You'll find out as you read>:)

Also again thank you guys so much! You've all been amazing

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