18. A Cousin Comes To Call

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"It's not Leo."


Well Bruce was certainly right about that, Diana definitely wasn't Leo. But that didn't explain why she was here, Percy had yet to tell the Waynes about her heritage.
Not counting Damian as he figured it out on his own.

"Hello Diana."
The older demigod winced at the younger's tone.
"Hello Percy, how are you doi-"

"Cut the Styx Diana. What do you want?" Percy grimaced at the hurt that shown in her cousin's eyes. "Sorry, it's been an off day."

Percy looked away from her cousin. It wasn't her fault that the gods didn't allow Diana to fight in either of the wars, but Percy still couldn't get past it.
Diana was a trained warrior, an adult, and she didn't fight in a war that kids fought and died in.

"Well I wanted to talk to you about-"

Percy glanced timidly up at Bruce. He didn't know yet, and if Diana were to say they were cousins that would raise questions.
"Is he going to stay..?"
Bruce smirked slightly, amusement showing in his eyes. "I know."

For once Percy was glad no one from camp was here, because she was certain she looked like a fish, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to form a sentence.

She did, however, glare at her cousin when she chuckled at the expression on her face.
"Oh come on Percy, I did tell you. He's the world's greatest detective."

Percy shook her head and mumbled quietly to herself as she crossed her arms."Well excuse me I thought I did a good job being incognito."

The daughter of Zeus scoffed at her antics, shaking her head in amusement. "Well if that's what you call blowing up the golden arch, fighting Robin and winning. Then yes. You did great cousin."

Before anything else could be said Tim walked into the room and paused when three pairs of eyes landed on him.
"Oh hi Diana..."
"Hello Timothy."
Percy watched as the teen scanned the room quizzically, seeing that they were having a private conversation he quickly turned around and walked away.

Waiting until Percy was sure Tim was gone she glanced at her cousin. "What's in the bag?"
The Amazon had a relatively large duffel bag resting against her feet from where she sat on the large comfy couch in the living room.

Her cousin smiled "I'm glad you asked, because....." She bent over and unzipped the duffel bag. "This is going to be your suit."

"My what?"
"Your suit Perseus."
"Why do I need a-" Percy was cut off by her cousin, "We need your help Percy."
Percy glanced between Bruce and Diana. "We?"
Bruce nodded in confirmation. "We. The Justice League."

"Wha..." Percy shook her head and peered into the duffel bag, the bronze amour inside shinned even in the dimly lit room.
"Why do you need my help? I'm just a teenager."

Bruce shook his head. "I've heard of what you've done, and even I have to admit it's impressive. While I don't want to drag you back into a fight but we really do need your help Perseus."

Percy leaned back into her seat, sighing she looked up at Bruce.
"Firstly it's Percy, only those that wish me dead call me Perseus." Her words made the dark-haired man wince. "And secondly, I meant that I'm only a teenager, why should I help you? Haven't I done enough?"
She said dryly, not caring how her words made both heroes flinch slightly.

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