bonus chapter 💞

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"Riwayat-e-Ishq main Iztiraar mukhtalif hai

Ke Raqs main jhumta hai Ba-Vasl hoke dil"

5 years later

The layer covering the atmosphere had an aura of brightness as the light flickered through it and reached the surface of Earth, making it a bit scorching.

The sun finding its way from the horizon to the summit of the sky pierced its lucid sunlight to the people which made their faces plastered with an eerie glow, squinting eyes, and glittered demeanor of the melting snow.

The birds were soaring high with so much zeal and zest that could bring courage to even a derelict for the search of betterment in his life.

He moved toward the building with the baby cot carrying his son.

He smiled at the thought his life has been in all these years.

He was now the father of two beautiful angels, an obedient son and a good leader.

His family was very proud of him.

The guard opened the door for him as the passing by staff members greet him, he just nodded in acknowledgment.

He was on a mission, he has a vaccination appointment for his son, Mir Ibrahim Khan.

But his pediatrician did not allow him because he forgot Ibrahim vaccination file home as usual.

He rolled his eyes as he placed the file in front of the most famous pediatrician assistant who looked at his guilty.

He waved his hands and waited for his turn even when he owned the hospital, he still has to follow rules.

After 5 minutes, Ibrahim's name was called and Taimoor stood up huffing annoyed for waiting.

He opened the door with his free hand as one was holding Ibrahim cot and moved inside.

In front of him was the most beautiful woman in his life as he smiled immediately at her as soon as he entered.

The doctor sat behind her desk looking so professional and raised her eyebrows at him who smirked instead.

She signs him to take a seat and started the process as she checked the baby's progress in the file delivered by her assistant.

He kept looking at her who was looking so regal, she looked upward at him and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Be professional Mr. Khan... You have already wasted enough time because of your forgetfulness,"

She was talking professionally but he was looking at her like he wanted to devour her, the mere thought hitched her breath but she composed herself.

She gives him a stern look that got him out of his daydreaming.

"Hey... You made me go back even when you had a copy of the vaccination file. I have an important meeting but I still do this because I didn't want to miss a chance to see you... But you are crueler than my wife,"

He complained as he pouted cutely at her who was trying hard to control her laugh.

She wanted to pinch his cheeks, she loved this man but if he thinks she was cruel than his wife she will show him cruel.

She schooled her expression and folded her arms in front of her chest as she waited for him to say something else.

But the moment he saw her stance he gulped.

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