Ep2 pt1. Now or never

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"What are the rules?"

Caleb Covington had made the 15 year old boy with a huge crush on Julie repeat the rules he was meant to follow in order for there little 'negotiation' to work.

"I shall listen to you and allow you to help manipulate Julie's band mates into joining your club" recited nick who was sitting on his bed uncomfortably

"Correct. Now, we'll have (mostly) equal control over your body so sometimes I'll be in charge, then you will try your hardest to fix your failed attempts and finally win  Miss Molina back" Caleb explained

"And then Julie will be mine?" Nick looked up to see the ghost he met nod "quick question, why do you want the band so much? I get it that there good but you can't seriously go through all this trouble for some music you like"

"I don't see how it's any concern of yours. Now, do we have a deal?" Answered Caleb quickly changing the subject, he stuck out his had which nick cautiously took, shaking it wearily as a small purple symbol appeared on his right wrist.


Present day

Julie was lying on her bed thinking about all the possible ways she could reveal her band mates to her father though none came to mind. Ray molina was an understanding man and he would 100% be down with the guys staying and yet, Julie felt conflicted.

Her train wreck of thoughts came to a holt when her phone binged. It was Luke, she still didn't even know how they got phones though she suspected Flynn had something to do with it. It kinda just happened despite the fact all three of them don't know how to work them.

It read to meet them in the studio. Sighing, she followed out the request and made her way down stairs to the garage.

Once inside the room was pitch black and there was no sign of her ghost pals anywhere until a sudden light lit revealing the three boys standing beside each other, arms in front neatly with blanc expressions on their faces.

"Julie. We've been expecting you" said Reggie as all three of them turned their heads in her direction

"Oh dear god..." Julie muttered to herself instantly looking down at the floor in embarrassment

"Welcome to the phantoms five steps to fame presentation" Luke explained still having a very serious expression on his face and as said, there were huge pieces of paper with the words "the phantoms five steps to fame"

"Now I truly believe this is stupid" Alex admitted resulting in Luke elbowing him in the arm, Julie pitied him, it must be hard to be the only person or should she say ghost with common sense in sunset curve.

Reggie removed the first sheet to see the first point: preform as many gigs as possible, luke was explaining it and Reggie nodded his head along in complete and total agreement as Alex stood of to the side a bit while rubbing his temples and shaking his head in disapproval. Julie thought it was adorable of how serious Luke and Reggie were about their presentation.

"Step 2, we get ourselves a manager" Luke smiled rather pleased with himself as he explained his plan further after Reggie had removed the second third sheet of paper for it to follow onto the floor creating a huge mess a paper

"Step three, we release a few albums and the step four, we go on tour"

"Step five, we become..a... country band?" Luke began but stopped when he read aloud the next sheet of paper "Reggie! I told you! We are a rock band, country isn't our scene!"

"Oops.. how did that get there?..." Reggie pretend to be surprised though they all saw through his act.

"Step five, the real one this time, we become the best band the world has ever scene!"

"And shove our success down Bobby's throat!" Reggie exclaimed enthusiastically, leaving his friends to look at him questionably.

Julie appreciated there little presentation and thought it was cute but she wanted them to slow down a bit, she was only 15 after all and they were 17... technically.

"Hold your horses boys" she chuckled "I still need to get through high school.. speaking of, WE have school tomorrow first thing in the morning so I'd really like to get some sleep"

"Yeah, of course!.. night Julie.." Luke finally spoke after the several seconds of they guys staring at her.

She waved goodbye and trotted all the way back to her room. How were they guys not tired? Do they even sleep? She would of thought they did but you could never be to sure with ghosts from what you got in movies.

Julie had a lot on her mind as she slept. She begged that the boys would be on their best behaviour for school tomorrow but she knew it was a disaster just waiting to happen, School in 2021 wasn't like school in the 90s. With paranoia on her mind she drifted off to sleeping, hoping they'll survive the day.


This chapter is written rather poorly but I just needed to get it out so I hope you don't mind.

More effort shall be showcased in the next chapter and it'll be longer too.

As you can see from the title the song of the episode is now or never because I think it's underrated and the guys haven't preformed it with Julie so it'll be like a new song for her..

plus I can't be bothered looking for/ writing a song that will fit though I might tweak it.

Anyway I do hope you enjoyed, update coming on Thursday


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