Ep5 pt1. Somebody to you

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"Luke! Luke! LUCAS! This is a terrible idea! Get down!" Alex warned the sleeve hating ghost who was standing on top of a stool in Julie's room, attempting to get a good look in her dream box.

"Relax, Alex, we'll be fine" he tried to reassure the blond but the frown on his face made Luke question if it was working "tell him, reg"

"I'm with Alex on this one. Julie's scary when she's mad" Reggie said jumping on her bed and making little angels by waving his arms up and down

"Traitor."luke mumbled opening the lid of the box ever so carefully in case it was all a trap.

Once he realised it was trap free, he began to rummage threw it like a raccoon and a trash can until he came across a song labelled perfect harmony and it was good.. like really good despite the few Blank spaces which he was sure he could fill.

He examined it from start to finish and realised it was a love song she had probably wrote about nick. Stupid nick he thought to himself bitterly but then his anger just slipped away, he had no rights to be mad, it's not like he was her boyfriend or anything.

He looked up from the song and turned his head to check if Alex and Reggie were watching him and luckily they weren't. Luke slipped the piece of paper with perfect harmony on it into his back pocket hoping to get a better look at it later.

He continued in search for some lyrics to contribute to the song they were supposed to sing this weekend until he found something he quite liked:

I used to ride around
I Didn't wanna settle down
But now I wake each day
Looking for a way that I can see your face

Again, he presumed it was about that Pom-Pom haired joke, nick. Nevertheless he could work with it and make the song awesome, not to mention that he had just the idea for it.

"Guys I think I got something" he plastered a smile on his face and stepped down from the stool and holding out the ripped page so Alex and Reggie could take a look at it "hey Alex, did you invite Willie to the gig?"

"Well.. yeah if that's ok.. I can un-invite him if you want" Alex stuttered nervously

"You misunderstand me" Luke's grin grew even wider "before he sweeps you away to your little date night, we can preform this song Julie and I will finish writing"

Alex blushed slightly at the thought of preforming a song to Willie who had never even heard him sing before, both excitement and nerves filled his body.

"Oh will we now" Julie said listening in on the conversation about how Luke was just so easily gonna have her help him finish the song after he invaded her room and privacy

"Heyyyy julessssssss" Luke laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head

"Don't 'jules' me." She spat back crossing her arms annoyedly "what did I say about boundaries?"

"Oh! Wait! Wait! Don't tell me..." Reggie added cheerfully trying to figure it out as though it was some sort of game "was it that we can brake them?"

Julie frowned in response and gave a glare over at Reggie causing him to instantly shut up and stare down at the floor.

"You know what? I can't be bothered with you right now" she raised her voice but was to unhappy to yell, she seemed to be aiming the whole conversation at Luke "you clearly don't care or respect me enough to follow one simple rule"

"Julie, I-I"

"Forget it, just get out"

Sadly obeying, the three boys poofed away, leaving Julie alone in her room.


A few hours later Julie had gone to bed getting ready for school the next day leaving the boys restlessly awake with a guilty conscience on their minds specifically Luke.

"Now I'm not gonna tell you I told you so because It's not strong enough. How about, your an idiot and you should just listen to me from now on" said Alex. He got up from his blow-up bed to face Luke

"Wow, real reassuring, thanks Alex" Luke replied sarcastically then also got up "I'm gonna go talk to her and just in case I don't make it out alive, tell pizza I love it"

Alex rolled is eyes but Reggie simply replied with a "I got you, bro"

Luke poofed back into Julie's room to see her curled up in her bed with her back facing him.

"Jules? You awake?" He whispered slowly stepping towards her bed

"No.." she answered giving away that she was in fact awake. She still had her back to him, not daring to turn around in case she forgives him just like that after gazing in his eyes

Luke reluctantly sat down on the bed beside her waiting for her to push him away but to his surprise she didn't even flitch.

"Look Julie, I'm really sorry and I do both respect and care about you. I just want to show how talented you are" he apologised as she turned Around to finally face him.

"I forgive you" she said softly resting her head on his chest

They were both too tired to argue or move away from each other so they didn't bother, they stayed like that all night, with his arm around her back and her cheek to his chest until the next morning.


I thought I'd give you a little juke moment after everything so your welcome

It's currently midnight right now and I have school tomorrow so that's not gonna end well but oh well, the things I do for you guys

I love the vamps so I was glad to put a song in from them

Hope you enjoyed this little chapter and update coming Tuesday


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