Ep4 pt2. Waving through a window

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Julie clung her books to her chest as she and Flynn walked to class. Last night had to have been the most awkward moment of her life, she was perplexed at the matter because things were never that way with Luke but he just seemed so distant lately.

She sighed. She kinda missed him in a way and whenever she asked him about it he replied with a short 'nothing'. Well, it didn't seem like 'nothing'. Reggie wasn't much help either, whenever she confronted him, he just shrugged sympathetically and told her it wasn't his place and to talk to Luke about it.

"Jules? You all good" Flynn asked placing her hand over Her best friends shoulder. Julie snapped out of her depressing, complicated Luke thoughts to realised she'd stopped herself right in the middle of the hallway

"Yeah. I'm fine" she replied, though Flynn wasn't to convinced

"I know what will cheer you up!" Flynn exclaimed clapping her hands together and reaching into her bag

"Luke to pay attention to me?" She mumbled to herself hoping Flynn wouldn't hear her. She didn't.

"I, as your substitute manager, have booked your a mega, important, life changing gig at a festival this weekend" Flynn beamed handing her the flyer

Julie had mixed emotions about the idea of preforming at the festival. For one, many important people in the music business shall be there but she'd have to sing with Luke while he avoided her.

"What a coincidence!" Carrie said bitterly lurking out behind the two girls with her little gang behind her "I'm preforming at the festival too..May the best band win, right? Though I'm sure we all know who's better"

"Definitely Julie" added nick, hopping on to the conversation, she was grateful to him for helping her out it was kinda sweet

"Nicky, miss me yet?" Said Carrie brushing her hand across her ex's shoulder in a possessive way


"Look at him" spat Luke from across the hall at his locker with Reggie by his side "trying to charm her with his terrible dance moves and stupid hair. Pathetic."

"How can you be jealous right now? Your the one who's avoiding the poor girl" Reggie commented getting his history homework down at the last second before it was due in "you are the most complicated person I know"

"What's that supposed to mean, Reginald ?" Luke looked slightly offended

"Nothing, it doesn't matter" he sighed, sometimes Luke was so clueless "how does my hair look?"

Reggie stared straight in the mirror he had placed in his locker and combed his hair, he glanced over to the members of dirty candy, specifically Kayla.

"What? It's fine, but what has that got to do with me being complicated?" Luke asked confused

"Not everything is about you, Lucas" he explained "now, make me look good in front of those girls"

Reggie strutted Over to the forming group of musicians with a huge grin on his face. Luke followed, Reggie had been a good friend lately and it was time he repaid the favour.

Julie's stomach knotted once she saw them. Was Luke finally gonna speak to her? She hoped so. That wasn't all that was on her mind, the other question forming there was what the hell is reggie doing?

"Hello, ladies... and nick" Reggie said leaning against Luke in hopes of looking cool, it seemed to be working much to Julie's surprise

"Reggie. Hey Luke" Carrie smiled flirtatiously making Julie blood boiled, had never wanted to punch her more than she did right now, it was just like Carrie to go after every guy she's ever liked.

Flynn watched as Kayla passed a small piece of paper into Reggie's hand which he graciously took grinning like the Cheshire Cat, Reggie was a huge flirt with everyone, she didn't know why she thought she was different. Not that she cared, Reggie was just a cute ghost in her best friends band she had to put up with.

"Anyway boys, I booked you a gig, your welcome" and with that Flynn stormed off into class flicking her hair around as she did so, almost taking Reggie out.

Luke froze. A gig. With Julie. Watching her sing was his weakness! He knew he won't be able to go without looking into her big, beautiful brown eyes. He needed a plan. Quick.


Alex ran. He ran so fast like his life depended on it until he caught up to Willie. He grasped at his arm pulling the skater ghost back.

Willie frowned, it wasn't his intention to get caught but he sometimes underestimated how incredibly Alex doesn't give up.

"I'm not doing this again!" Alex finally said with a pant "you can't say you don't wanna see me then spy on me! I won't have it!"

"Alex.. I~"

"No! Let me speak, I like you, Willie" he finally admitted, he felt as though a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders and those words felt so go to say aloud

"But Caleb's still out there and he could control me" Willie protested despite not wanting too

"Well that's a risk I'm going to have to take, and I will take it. For you." Alex decided

It was true, he would risk the world in hopes of Willie being his, for them to have a shot at true happiness.Willie stopped and smiled, shocking Alex so much his lips slightly parted.

"I like you too, hotdog"

Alex ran straight over to Willie and crashed his lips on his, the kiss was short, sweet and tender, putting so much passion into it that Alex didn't even think was remotely possible.

They broke apart and laughed together, not taking their eyes of one another while Alex was trying to compose himself to ask Willie a question that he's been wanting to for a long time.

"Will you go on a date with me?"


Willex is such a beautiful thing *raises hand to heart*

So I've changed things around in my plan a little bit so the relynn duet is in the last part of episode 5 instead of this one, hope you don't mind.

Staying on the topic of the relynn duet, do you have any song ideas because I'm not sure if I like the one I had in mind anymore, if not it's all good I'm sure I'll come up with something

Do you have any thoughts of what you wanna see the band sing too because I'm open for ideas.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and i might update later today as well, depends on how I'm feeling.


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