Ep3 pt3. Falling for you

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"This is the best idea you've ever had" said Alex as an youngish woman filed down his nails to perfection. He hadn't been this relaxed since.. well, ever! It felt as though a huge weight has been lifted of his shoulders so he could finally just... breathe.

Julie and Flynn sighed in delight, they too were enjoying themselves. They took Alex to the nearest salon to cool off and to their surprise it was actually working! It was great to get to know this side of him.


"This is the worst idea you have ever had" Luke protested to what he believed was Reggie's worst plan yet.

Luke was spread out on 'his' couch as the interrogation begun, Reggie was in a chair, clipboard and pen in hand with a pair of ridiculously huge glasses balancing on the tip of his nose, Luke didn't know where in gods name he got them from nor did he want too.

"So tell me, Lucas, what seems to be the root of the problem?" The newly claimed therapist asked looking Luke up and down as if he were a damaged wreck of bottled up emotions.

"There's no problem~" he was cut of by Reggie tutting and shaking his head around like a madman

"Denial. That's the first stage of grief"

"I'm not denying anything! And Why would I even be grieving?!?!?"

Reggie made a shushing noise and placed a finger over Luke's lips then shook it around brutally. Luke was a little stunned at Reggie's methods but words of question didn't find their way out.


Next on Julie and Flynn's day for Alex was ice cream, a whole lot of ice cream.

"If you could only eat one ice cream flavour for the rest of your life what would it be?" Julie asked licking her vanilla cone, sometimes, the simplest was the sweetest.

"Cookies and cream" answered Alex taking a small spoon full and popping it In his mouth as the cool sensation tingled on the tip of his tongue

"Chocolate!" Giggled Flynn almost attacking her ice cream and falling of her chair.


"So what your saying is, I should forget about Julie and move on?" Luke finally sat up, twiddling his fingers

"Dude, I literally just said you should ask her out" Reggie claimed and people called him the dumb one

Honestly, he thought Luke should stop being a wimp and as the poor girl out, it was so obviously clear she was just as much crushing on him as he was on her.

Luke however, saw it in completely different way. He was a ghost. She was a lifer. In what world do they fit? He had to be realistic and Julie didn't deserve some half version of him.

He was lost. He was stuck at a crossroad and didn't know which path too choose so he did the only thing he knew how too; express himself through song.

He picked up his guitar and did just that with Reggie's help of course because as much as he would never admit it, he couldn't of made it this far without him.

"When I first realised
That I think about you all the time
I just thought It was strange
Then we touched
And I know
That I've fallen in love with a friend
Don't know how, don't know when

The hardest part of the day,
Is trying to avoid you

They might say it's a waste of time
Oh yeah
Cause I can't admit I'm falling hard
I can't admit I think something about you
But I don't think I'll ever change my mind
Oh yeah
I'm crumbling and I hate the truth
I can admit I'm falling for you"

As the song progressed Luke knew more and more about just how strong his feelings are.

"It's ok, I'll just wait
I just need to take my time
Let me stop feeling weak
Cause I'm not in control
And I don't want this feeling to end
I forgot how to speak

The hardest part of the day,
Is trying to avoid you

They might say it's a waste of time
Oh yeah
Cause I can't admit I'm falling hard
I can't admit I think something about you
But I don't think I'll ever change my mind
Oh yeah
I'm crumbling and I hate the truth
I can I admit I'm falling for you"

Reggie was just vibing with it, whatever helps Luke sleep at night, right?

"When will I see you?
Wanna be near you
Don't wanna leave you
Waiting patiently under lock and key
Till the day you see
That I'm falling, falling, falling, falling

They might say it's a waste of time
Oh yeah
Cause I can't admit I'm falling hard
I can't admit I think something about you
But I don't think I'll ever change my mind
Oh yeah
I'm crumbling and I hate the truth
I can admit I'm falling for you"

He knew what he had to do.


Once home Julie and Alex headed straight to the studio in search of Luke and Reggie, they had dropped Flynn off at her house on their way back.

Alex CALMLY (for once in his life) twirled around, pushing the doors open with his hips. Reggie immediately greeted them but Luke held back a bit.

"We had a great time, How was your day?" Asked Julie glancing over at Luke In hopes that he would answer

"It was good." He said so vaguely she questioned if he had even said anything at all "I have to... fix my guitar! Goodnight"

And he just walked off! He Straight just walked past her as if she were a... a.. ghost! It hurt her a little... oh, who was she kidding? It hurt a lot! but the worst part was that she had no idea of why she was treating her that way.

She bit the inside of her cheeks and clenched her fists like when you were trying your hardest not to cry and that was what she was doing. Nodding over to the remaining two boys she nodded before walking off to her room.

"What was that about?" Alex questioned baffled

"It's a long story..."


So I tweaked the song a little to fit the whole situation a little better but I hope you don't mind.

I just had some teeth taken out cause my teeth are disastrous so I've been a little wheezy but I hope it doesn't show

Nevertheless hope you enjoyed


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