Ep6 pt2. Born to be brave

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Julie scanned her wardrobe for something to wear tomorrow and once she was satisfied with a shirt and ripped jeans, she stuffed it in her bag along with a tooth and hair brush, pyjamas and other essentials for the sleepover at Carries.

She hadn't told the boys yet because in all honesty, she didn't 100% know if she was gonna go but Flynn wanted to so here she was preparing to go in half an hour.
A few seconds later Reggie poofed into her room snapping her out of her thoughts.

"We're you going?" He had asked while sitting on her bed to watch her pack, she sighed debating to tell him or not

She dropped the last thing in and to take a seat beside him "I'm going to a sleepover at Carries"

"Wait.. I thought we didn't like Carrie" baffled Reggie before lightening up "well, presides Alex, don't tell him I told you but he sneaks into dirty candies rehearsals and learns the choreo"

Julie chuckled. Reggie always had the outstanding ability to make her smile even in the most gloomiest of times. Over the past few weeks He had really stepped in as a big brother figure in her life.

After her slight laugh she returned to her frown and slumped as she sat. Reggie noticed she wasn't being completely honest with him and there was more to this than she was letting on.

"Hey, what's wrong? Is it luke again? Because I can punch him in the face if that'll make you feel better" Reggie ranted with wild hand gestures which caused Julie to take his hand with both of hers in order for him to stop

"No, it's not Luke" she laughed slightly "it's just- I haven't seen Trevor since I heard what he did to Luke, what he did to all of you and I'm worried that once I do see him~"

Reggie cut her off "you'll lose your shit?"

"Yeah, exactly"

"You won't. Do you want to know why?" Reggie began waiting for Julie to reply by looking up at him with hopeful eyes "because your Julie Molina, you can handle anything"

Julie smiled gratefully and enlaced him in a hug, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"I'll tell the guys your sleeping at Flynn's, try to have some fun, jules" he said once parting.

He waved goodbye at her before poofing  away so ray could drive her to carries mansion in Malibu. They picked Flynn up on the way to endure a silent car ride.


Flynn knocked confidently on the door while Julie cowered behind her a bit in pure dread. She wasn't scared of Carrie, more of a short patience with her, She supposed anyway.

Carrie swung the door open and welcomed the two of them in. Inside were seven beautifully laid out beds with Carrie at the head, racks  of clothes, a long table full of treats and a display of movie options.

Julie was astonished at the amount of effort and money that must of gone into the sleepover, the last time she came she thought it was extravagant but this year was a whole new level of amazement.

They had managed to try on plenty of the clothes, had pizza and watched a movie without Julie crossing paths with Trevor and as a added bonus, Carrie was being surprisingly bearable.

All of that took them up to 10:00pm. All the girls sat on their assigned beds for the classic sleepover game of truth or dare.

"So Kayla, truth or dare" Carrie asked first as she folded her arms in a sort of way to show she was the leader of the game

"Dare!" Replied the dirty candy member

"I dare you to call Reggie and ask him on a date" Carrie grinned while Kayla blushed, Flynn, however gritted her teeth though acted like it didn't bother her

Kayla grabbed  her phone and dialled Reggie's number into it until he picked the phone up

Reggie: hey Kay-Kay, I was just thinking about you actually

He sounded so calm and cool like flirting was a natural way of speaking for him. Flynn hated it.

Kayla: hey Reggie, what you doing next Saturday?

Reggie: well, me, Luke and Alex were planning on blowing up a watermelon but if your implying that we should go on a date then I'll reschedule

Julie cocked her eyebrows at the guys plans for next weekend. Blowing up a watermelon? Not in her garden, they're not.

Kayla: great! Pick me up at five? You can surprise me!

Reggie: sweet, cya then!

He hung up as Kayla squealed in excitement as the other girls giggled and gushed about how amazing Reggie was and how lucky both he and she were. Flynn sat there munching on twizzlers while smiling bitterly at Kayla.

"Moving on, Julie, truth or dare" Carrie smirked laying back onto her bed


"Who do you think's hotter, Luke or nick?" Carrie grinned wickedly knowing well that she was bothering Julie who was now struggling to find her words until Carrie started speaking again "i mean I dated nick and he isn't all the fuss but Luke, well, I'd sure like spend some time with him"

Julie lost it, the pure mention of Luke and Carrie made her infuriatingly angry that she lunged on top of her, Julie slapped her in the face and in seconds they both clawing at each other's faces and yanking on their hair.

Julie heard the other girls protests and Flynn cheering her on before she felt someone stronger pry her off of Carrie.



Lotta is currently sick so I'm amber, her older sister who will usually step in when Charlotte wants a chapter out but cannot finish it.

I wrote most of the chapter so forgive my writing skills. Lotta sent me the draft of how she wanted it set out so I hope she doesn't yell at me for not executing it properly... I'm joking, I'd punch her if she  yelled at me.

I also love this series because it's incredible and I love the whole Julie and Reggie brotherly relationship idea so I put that in. Your welcome.

Anyway hope you enjoyed blah blah blah

Amber 😏

P.s. thanks for reading hoes

P.p.s. Sorry for the disrespect and language but I'm not sorry

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