Ep6 pt4. Born to be brave

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Quick note, this chapter is a little more mature hence swearing and violence but nothing major

Luke pounded on the door of Trevor's mansion so hard you'd think it'll knock down, and that was what he was preparing to do is somebody didn't answer it soon.

The door swung open revealing Carrie inside and when she saw Luke she was shocked to say the least... what was he doing here? Perhaps he was here to take Julie home after she had attacked her, not that it mattered, Carrie got the reaction she was looking for and was ready for Julie to leave, so she let him in.

Bad decision, of course, because Luke was furious. He had always had a trouble with controlling his anger and this was the angriest he'd been in 25 years.

However his rage slowly slipped away once he saw Julie standing awkwardly amongst the group of teenage girls looking like she was gonna cry making his anger turn into something else completely.


He rushed over to her immediately, examining her to check if she was alright as she said nothing. He gently rolled up her sleeve hesitating but she didn't even flinch, on her arm were red marks and purple, newly-made bruises in the shape of finger prints.

Luke stared at them for awhile in silence making Julie feel embarrassed so she quickly covered them up with her sleeve.

"Did he do this to you?" He asked her gently yet firm in a quiet tone so only she could hear

She didn't look at him, she couldn't! Julie knew once she did she'd crumble in a fit of uncontrollable sobs. Instead, she bit down on her lip drawing blood, the metallic taste filled her mouth as a wound developed and pulsed but she didn't feel it because the emotional pain she was feeling took over.

Luke already knew the answer so he muttered "that bastard"  he intertwined his fingers with hers, eager to get her out of the house "we're leaving"

They were halfway out the door with Flynn following when Trevor demanded Carrie and her friends to go upstairs while he went to 'speak to Julie'

Luke's hand still had a comforting grip on Julie's, she was glad he was here but she was scared he was gonna lose his temper.

"Wait! Luke!" Yelled a voice stopping Luke dead in his tracks. He froze up, not even moving when Julie gave him little tugs of the hand, she desperately wanted to get out of there and the situation but she wouldn't leave Luke

"You have some nerve" said Luke bitterly, swinging around to face his ex band mate. Trevor stuttered slightly at hearing Luke's voice after 25 years and the nostalgia hit him hard as memories began to resurface.

Trevor said nothing, giving Luke the chance to ramble on "what? Cat got your tongue? You really have nothing to say to me after what you did!"

"Your music was good, great even, of course I used it when you were dead! I did what I had to do!" Answered Trevor raising his voice

Luke let go off Julie's hand and walked over to Trevor taking slow steps so he could slowly die in the suspense and tension.

"You did what you wanted to, Bobby" spat Luke poking Trevor in the chest hard "you didn't even mention us!"


No one had called it him in years, the name ringed in his eyes like a lost treasure from the past, his past.

Bobby stood there, staring at Luke, he didn't even look sorry and to show that he wasn't afraid he scoffed making Luke more and more angrier

"YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!!! My parents could have known that my dreams were worth chasing if you had credited us. If you had credited me. But you didn't" Luke said in pure sadness "you know what? Your not worth it"

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