Chapter 19

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I crawled over to Brett and I looked at him. I looked at his cute purple hair, now a light shade of lavender all these weeks later. I couldn't let something happen to him. I had to grow up and stop being selfish.

I called 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Help! My boyfriend is having an allergic reaction! Send an ambulance!"

"What is your location?"

I recited Brett's address, now burned into my memory after visiting so many times, and hung up.

I couldn't just stand there looking at him. He was worth more than that. Pushing my thoughts away, I leaned over and began CPR, reluctantly placing my mouth on his.

I was surprised to hear frantic knocking on the door. I didn't expect help to arrive for awhile. I raced over to the door and let the professionals take over.

They eventually resuscitated Brett and carried him out to the ambulance on a stretcher. I trailed behind them, eventually arriving at the hospital a few minutes later. They had gotten there before me, due to the fact they were allowed to speed and run red lights.

I asked which room Brett was located in, and raced down the hall. When I got there, he seemed to be alright. I stumbled into the room. "Brett, you'll never know how scared I was. I-I thought I was going to lose you." I fell apart. "This is my fault."

A nurse walked in and I tried to pull myself together. "You're very lucky," she began. "Your girlfriend knew exactly what to do. She kept you stabilized with that CPR."

Brett glanced up at me with a look of admiration. I could tell there was a lot that he wanted to say to me, but he held back until we were the only ones in the room.

After the nurse walked away, he turned to me. "So, you gave me CPR, huh?" he asked, with a smug look.

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"You did it then, you faced your biggest fear. You were able to, how did you put it..." He thought for a moment. "'...Exchange billions of bacteria through saliva', all for me." He smiled.

"I didn't face my biggest fear, Brett. I chickened out like the coward that I am."

"No you didn't. You said it yourself. You said that kissing would be harder to accomplish than watching me get sick. I only wish I could've been conscious for that part," he winked.

"I didn't exactly kiss you," I muttered, blushing.

"Then why don't we change that?" He flirted.

We leaned over and kissed each other, quickly pulling away as another nurse walked into the room. "Am I interrupting something?" She joked.

Brett and I laughed.

She walked over to him. "You had quite the allergic reaction there. You're lucky to be alive. Did you know that you had a peanut allergy?"

"No. I mean, it always made me get sick, but my throat never like, closed up or anything. I ate a lot more than I usually do though. That must be why I had such a horrible reaction."

"Well, you're one lucky guy!" She said.

Brett looked over at me and smiled. "I know."

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