Chapter 20

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     After Brett was discharged from the hospital, I drove back to his place. "What a day, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, but all that bad stuff that happened today... that doesn't matter. What matters is that you did something that would've been impossible in the past. You are so, so strong, Mabel."

I embraced Brett in a hug, something else that would've been unfathomable just a mere month ago. "You know, when this pandemic ends, I mean if this pandemic ever ends..." I trailed off. "Once we're back at school, why don't you think about studying to become a psychologist? You could get a job as a therapist. I'm serious, Brett. You're a natural! You're absolutely amazing. It's effortless for you. You mentioned that you didn't know what you wanted to do with your life, so what do you think?"

He gave me a quick kiss."I think that sounds like a great idea, maple syrup!"

Now I just had to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Now that I could function somewhat normally, my future was bright. My future was something that I finally looked forward to. 

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