Chapter 9: The wedding

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On a sunny day today is February 13th, 2020 on Saturday, my beautiful self had woken up from an amazing dream about James, we had a party before our wedding, and we went to a restaurant for dinner it was great. I got up from bed and put my clothes on, My mother wanted to got to the store to buy me a dress for the wedding, today is the big day I'm getting married. I'm so excited and scared, because this would be my first wedding, I'm so nervous. James has changed me for the better I don't know how he does it, but anyways we went to the dress store to pick my wedding dress. Kaylie found a dress she wanted and she is richer than rich well her mom is, and she told her mother this "mom I found a dress I want Kaylie says".  Oh yeah that is beautiful how much is it and Kaylie says "you are rich mom can you get me this"; "I didn't tell you well honey we need to limit our money. we can't get something super expensive, because I'm saving for a new car". "Mom really but mom this dress is only $200 it's not that much", "okay well then we can get it"mother said.  "Alright thanks mom", although she is getting married she wants her mother to buy so much for her she wants a Dj, and she wants a little more cake for everyone. Kaylie sees James and says "hi how are you baby",  "I'm alright and you" he says "nothing much I got my dress for the wedding today" Kaylie says with a smile. "That's great Um so did you make any cookies for everyone yet or no", "no I didn't I have a lot to do for the wedding I have to set chairs out make cake, and get ready to get married. I got to put makeup on; anyways what do you want at the wedding? James says he wants a Dj, champagne, cake, cookies, everyone wearing blue, and black, and he wants a pie competition lol and he wants candles.

The wedding: today I get married and I feel sweat going down my body, I never in a million years thought I be this nervous in my life. For so long I have dreamed of this day to come and it is now happening surprisingly. As I quickly put on the last touch of my eyeliner on my dad came in saying "are you ready to walk down the aisle soon"? I said "yes hang on". I finally walked down the aisle with my father seeing James makes me smile, he was wearing a blue Tuxedo with black dress pants. My father and mother started to cry, and I did too. James just stared into my eyes smiling, me knowing he was dreaming about this for so long too I can see it in his beautiful eyes. We said our vowels and went to the reception and after that was a big party and then we head home.

That night I was watching flash until James texted me saying "hey did you have a great time". I said "yes I did we should do it again", James texted me saying "can I come over I want to kiss you like crazy"?!!!! "Um I don't know let me see what my mom says". I asked my mom she says "it's getting late sweetie. I said "alright", as I laid down on my bed all I could think of was James and thinking of his body on mine, and thinking of him kissing on my neck and my boobs.

That same night I heard a weird noise coming from my window, it was James I asked him "what are you doing here you should get some sleep"?. James didn't listen he just sat on my bed like he owns the place, "so what you've been up too"? Kaylie asked James trying to start a conversation about whatever she wanted. James kissed me and slowly touches me making me horny.

As I laid on my back James have already left and I was writing in my journal talking about me getting married, and how I had a great day that day and then I went to sleep watching flash.

The girl who stoled diamonds By: Caytlyn Minor Where stories live. Discover now