Chapter 12: On the move 💛💛☺️😁

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As I asked my mother "if I can live with James since I'am 21" my mother said "yes". Finally my dream came true, I get to actually live with James he doesn't live with his mother, he lives with himself and his brother. As soon as I packed my things I heard my mothers foot steps coming by my door step. "Hey sweetie I'm going to miss you lots you are the best thing, you make me proud I'm so happy you changed for the Better, and I'm glad that James is in your life he changed your life and he is a very sweet man". I Said "I know", he is that's why I love him he proposed to me. "That's sweet honey he is amazing", my mother had said.

The move: As I quickly got my things out of the car James walked towards me and helped unpack for me, he said to me "I can't believe your mother is allowing this", I said "I know right". We finished unpacking and I head upstairs to our bedroom finding a girl in our room, "babe who is she". that's my maid I hired her to clean don't worry", I was amazed by him he was really happy, and he loves me and I don't want to lose him, and I definitely don't want to see it go away I love this man and I know he is the one.

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