Chapter 11: school

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    Today is July 3rd, 1974 on A Monday. Today Kaylie has to go to school she got up at 6:00 am, and she is not wanting to go, but she knows if she don't then her mom will ground her. As I got on the bus my friend whispered in my ear saying she likes some one sitting at seat 19, I looked and said awe as I stroked my hair. As we got to school I saw James at his locker I wanted to talk to him, but as I thought of that the first bell rang. "Your late"exclaimed Mrs. Evans I said "yeah I know, but I was getting my things out of my locker", Everyone laughs. I took out my books and pencil out prepared for the day of school it's almost graduation, and I can't wait for that to come, I thought to myself. as soon as I was about to take notes Mrs. Evans says we are going to have a fire drill today. While Mrs. Evans wrote on the white board I quickly jolt down some notes so I won't forget, Kathy whispered to me saying "there is going to be a new kid coming in today, and he is supposedly cute"she says in my ear. "Mrs. Kathy stop talking" Mrs. Evans says.

After school I went home I got myself a snack to eat because i was hungry, my brother was in my room putting on my bra for some odd reason "hey" I said while he ran "give me back my bra". Mom Jason has my bra again, "Jason give it back to her now or I'm taking your Xbox and PlayStation and you won't be able to play online" mom says. I laid on my bed took a nap.

I woke up at 8:00 pm and was going to make me some dinner since my mother didn't make any food. "I'm going back to the park with James","I said to my mom can I please go to the park with James"? I asked no you may not I want to spend more time with you.

Family time: meanwhile I spent the whole night with my mother we played card games, and we played just dance on the wii. My mother won I got mad, After we played I went to bed and waited for the next day to come me just thinking of James is okay, me thinking and hoping I can live with James.

The girl who stoled diamonds By: Caytlyn Minor Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora