Chapter 15: last day of school

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As I quickly got to school my friends wanted to talk to me about James going to aircraft. I didn't want to talk about it, it would make me cry. Me knowing he is leaving makes me sad I just wanted to hang out with him more, but he has to see his family too. I got a yearbook for the last day of school I'm excited it's the last day.

During class I saw Kathy and Conner make out in the back of the classroom, Mrs. Evans was coming and I told them so she stopped kissing him. Meantime Mrs. Evans said that we need to get our Punctuation and grammar book out to page 113. Mrs. "Kaylie what do we do"she said "we need a comma before, but"and everyone laughed and Mrs. Evans said "stop and she said that is correct". After school I went to James car and he took me home, the car ride their was very quite. Before I went to my mothers house he gave me a big kiss on the mouth.

Aircraft armed forces: James went to the aircraft armed forces, and I immediately cried for hours or what seemed like hours. I can't believe he went I miss him already and I really want him back. As I laid on my bed thinking about James my mother came in my room saying, "sweetie what is wrong"? "Nothing mom why do you care"? "No need for the attitude I just care about you and want to help". I said "mom It's just James he went to the aircraft armed forces and I miss him and I miss him like crazy". "Awe sweetie you know he"ll be back just don't try to worry about him he is fine they just practice that's all". "Okay mom thanks" I said and went to bed.

The girl who stoled diamonds By: Caytlyn Minor Where stories live. Discover now