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Draco's POV

"Pansy, what if the note isn't lying? What if it's not fake?" I've been having these thoughts for the past thirty minutes. "I need love and if someone loves me then I am going to find them. For the first time in eighteen years, I am free. I can do whatever I want. No one to tell me what to do and how to do it."

"Fine, but if someone breaks your heart in this process, prepare for a bloodbath." She stares at me with dark eyes and I shudder. "I'm joking, but my only requirement is that he has abs and is a gentleman."

"Okay, no promises. But it could be a buffed up wizard who's good at quidditch. Great smile, soft hair." I smile at the thought.

"Yes okay, but consider the thought that it could be a scrawny kid with low self-confidence and can't hold more than three books because of a lack of muscles. Dray, you have to take all of these options into consideration." Pansy looks at me as if I'm a puppy.

"I know but life is a risk and I think I can risk a little more. What do I really have to lose this time? I mean, yes I'm gay, the person that loves me has to be a guy or how the hell is it love? Me with a girl is like Voldemort with Harry freakin Potter. An impossible and deadly relationship." I stopped talking and looked up.

"You called him Harry." Pansy was beaming "You're improving already."

"What? No! I called him Potter. Don't be daft. His name is Potter and I called him Potter and it's nothing but Potter. He's just Potter. Regular, normal Potter." I started panicking and my brows got sweaty.

"If he's just 'Potter' then why are you panicking. His name is Harry and it always has been. You've probably only said his name twice in your entire life. And to top it off you said his full name. Ooh, what if he's your soulmate thingy?" Pansy smiled.

"He can't be my soulmate. He isn't muscular, he's daft, he can't even laugh correctly, one of his hands is certainly larger than the other. He smells like rain and probably doesn't shower. He isn't even that good at quidditch. He usually fails his classes and his grades aren't even that good. He just can't possibly be the person I'm bound to spend the rest of my life with." I sighed at the thought of Harry, and his stupid ugly smile. Pansy just smirked at me and looked out the window. I pouted and decided to take a walk to see who else was on the train.

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