Chapter Two-Middle East 2020

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Chapter Two

Middle East 2020

So, it turns out I was right back in 2017 after all. Once again, my intuition had been correct.

However, I have to admit the whole Pandemic creation was genius and I was slightly annoyed with myself that I hadn't been paying close enough attention to the 'Virus warnings', the predictive programming; The films, debates, articles and books that had been out there for decades warning us of what was coming. While I had been aware on some levels, I can honestly say I'd been more focused on environmental catastrophe and other warnings of endemic censorship and worsening political and ideological division.

Nevertheless, the moment the first stories began to emerge from China, I had sat up and taken notice. Our eyes had been on China for a while now, sadly for the wrong reasons: Taking note of the 'social credit system,' mass brainwashing (don't get me wrong, we're not adverse to that here in the West either), the 'correctional camps/re-education camps', their mighty army, worldwide economic super power growing by the second, a mighty genius indeed.

Not much fun however for those who dared to disagree with this mighty regime. Were these the warning signs of what awaited us here in the West?

In the meantime, I had lost my business and any remaining faith in the system of my current European country of residence. I felt beaten and disillusioned, it was the end of a turbulent love affair. My feelings of oncoming catastrophe were becoming increasingly overpowering, the familiar heavy grey energy.

We'd also been beaten by some particularly extreme storms causing unprecedented damage to the coast. There was talk of the entire beach area disappearing and with it all the front -line tourist properties. None of this should have been particularly surprising yet what never ceased to amaze me was the ignorance and blind refusal to accept what was happening and still they continued to build more luxury apartments that would simply one day, in the near future, be washed away into the ever rising seas...

Why was I surprised by anything anymore?

Things had reached a head and it was time for a change of scenery and direction before I lost all my energy and fight. We made the decision for my daughter, Effie, and I to leave the country and head for the Middle East where we had relatives: New perspectives and possibly new opportunities.

Time out with loved ones in a different part of the world would be healing.

The urgency of the pandemic had not yet reached the rest of the globe, though still I knew we were heading into the unknown and it was only a matter of time before life as we knew it would change forever.


Effie and I lay on the sun-loungers, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I still couldn't quite believe we were here. It seemed a million miles away from Europe. We were spending the day at a five star luxury resort, a cheap day ticket for those of us who couldn't afford to stay at such a place so we were lapping up the environment and making the most of the five star sunshine.

The problem was, being me, whilst I was enjoying the beautiful setting and scenery, I couldn't quite switch off from the reality of what was happening around us. The story was emerging of a 'deadly' global pandemic that somehow seemed to have 'skipped' the rest of China and decided to head in the direction of Iran, just over the water from us. More and more of the surrounding countries were going into full lockdown without any warning nor official announcement to the rest of the world. This we knew first- hand from friends and relatives who had been caught up in the chaos.

The problem was, like most things, the stories did not add up, nor the numbers.

The dark feeling was increasing by the second and I knew we were on the verge of catastrophe. Here I was sunning myself amongst deluded tourists while the new world order spread its ugly web of deceit and destruction.

2020-When Time Stood StillWhere stories live. Discover now