About The Author & Acknowledgments

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About The Author

2020: When time stood still

By Skye Coelho

I am British born but have lived much of my life in Spain from a young age. I am mother to two human daughters and four rescue felines. My author name is of course a pseudonym as is the case with my last novel, 'A thousand miles from nowhere' Saffron Mello Castro. Both names are inspired by my Anglo -Indian roots and the surnames in my family.


I began writing the book in March 2020 when stranded at a hotel at Gatwick airport...

I had no intention of writing a book about 2020 but as my personal adventures and experiences intensified it became a cathartic experience, a necessity when back in Spain living through one of the strictest lockdowns in the world at the time.

The story is a combination of personal experience combined with much research and an awful lot of imagination, something I've never been short of...

I decided that the description of 'Thriller/fantasy/Sci-Fi' or reality? with just a hint of irony and black humor was the only possible way to describe any book that includes 2020 in the title, for as the powers that be like to regularly remind us, we are living in 'unprecedented times' aka you couldn't make this shit up!

This book is dedicated to my beautiful cousin Ivor: Apart from all the other personal and global challenges faced this year, in August during the writing of this book my young cousin and his partner were violently murdered. This brutal act completely rocked our world, leaving me unable to continue writing for a while as I attempted to process the shock and grief. Please hold a thought for his grieving parents, brother and all his loved ones as they/we fight for justice for Ivor. A dedication to Ivor follows.

I also dedicate this book to the people of Beirut-you too get a mention in my story...

I wanted to get this book out urgently for reasons that will soon become clear to the discerning openminded reader as they process the story. 

Please share and pass on to all those you believe will enjoy the experience and appreciate the message.

Thank you

And may the force be with you...

From the author,


Dedication to Ivor

I dedicate this book to you Ivor.

You lived more in your 30 years than most people live in a lifetime

When you were taken from us so suddenly so violently, I froze-my creativity blocked, and I couldn't face continuing with the book.

As the shock faded and the sadness, disbelief and anger took over, I knew you would be there telling me to get my shit together, continue with my dream and live every day as if it were my last.

You encouraged me so much with my first novel and I owe it to you to continue. You never gave up.

My only consolation is that you found your happiness, your place, your love, your soulmate before the end of your short life.

I dream of a world without murder, without violence and aggression. I hope to meet you there someday...

As the levelers once said, 'there's only one way of life and that's your own'

Your laugh, your smile will remain ingrained in my memory forever.

Go in peace beautiful soul, fly free

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one."

John Lennon, Imagine


Firstly, I would like to thank all my family and friends who have encouraged me with the writing of the book, especially Caroline and Tricia who both suggested at the beginning of the year, that I write another book. I couldn't think for the life of me at that moment what to write as my other books were put on hold, I was not inspired...

But then 2020 really began and I was not short of material!

Many thanks to R. Bliss for his excellent creative skills for my book cover and promo video.

I dedicate the book to Ivor and also to the people of Beirut, Lebanon for all the terrible suffering they have endured with yet again another tragedy in their history.


Buy the author a coffee or two if you enjoyed the book, every little bit helps. Many thanks:


Paypal me: paypal.me/2020novelskye

Blog https://skyecoelhowhentimestoodstill.blogspot.com/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/skyewarriorauthor/

Instagram skye_warrior_2020

Email: skyewarriorauthor2020

For my cousin Ivor: Here is a link to the crowdfunding site to help with the costs of the entire judicial process and the many costs involved in bringing the perpetrators to justice in a foreign country. The link gives more information. Many thanks.


Song lyrics

Nina Simone – Feeling good. 1965 Philips records

Led Zeppelin- What is and what should never be. 1969 Atlantic records

The Eagles- Hotel California. 1976 Asylum

Book quote: The last cry. Dr Robert Ghost Wolf

Hopi prophesy reference- Website Bibliotecapleyades.net

And the Bible...


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