Epilogue-Francis' Letter Continued. The Final Stage

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Francis' letter continued. 

The final stage

She continued reading the letter till the end...

"The earth will be split in two. A division unintelligible to most humans right now.

Some of us have made the decision that enough is enough, and we will not accept the new world order.

Change is indeed necessary, and the extraordinary levels of environmental destruction, greed and violence were unsustainable and had to be stopped.

The new changes that have been implemented however are not those that were promised and indeed carry a heavy sacrifice; that of freedom. They disguise it with many unfulfilled promises.

We had always wished for a new age and now we must seize the opportunity. But in order for the new to enter, we must say goodbye to the old in all its guises and that will mean separating from many of our loved ones no matter how much we care for them and respect them.

They may not share the same depth of understanding as us nor the refusal to comply with this regime of fear and absolute control...

They may hide behind the benevolent facade of care and consideration for the masses by providing monthly financial support for all to ensure equality, an enforced vaccination program to ensure 'good health' for everyone and a new economic system which again on the surface seems logical and fair at the beginning, however then the real agenda rears its ugly head.

By that stage many of the weak and elderly will have perished releasing the order from further financial burden, why support those who are no longer able to contribute?

This AI driven technocratic state will gradually dispose of the unnecessary, the unworthy, the 'low grade' humans. Those you once thought of as the negative forces will surprise you and those you once thought you could trust will abandon you in fear.

The zombie children of the future will be brainwashed beyond recognition, soulless with no social norms nor emotional intelligence, puppets of the state who will fill their parent's hearts with terror. These children of the future will not hesitate to accuse or stigmatize their family for non -compliance with the state. Only the children of the elite will be permitted to have a childhood full of freedom and an education without fear.

Your loved ones will be told that you made the wrong choices, you chose not to be vaccinated or accept the new social order, the so called 'social credit system' or the 'health passport'. Instead you chose to follow 'the false prophets of doom', a suicide cult, they say.

They will say, it is the fault of people like you for not complying, the virus continued to proliferate. You know however, if everyone has been vaccinated, why are they concerned for their safety, surely, they are safe?

They will be told that you are dead, you chose either mass suicide with the other followers or succumbed to the 'virus' for refusal to be vaccinated.

However, neither of these stories will be true; You did choose to leave and with time their memories and pain at your departure will fade, as will your own. A distant dream of people who were once special to you.

They will remain in your heart forever, but you must understand, these choices were made by you before you entered this form. Your soul pact, your destiny was fore- planned, which path you would take, which side you would choose.

In the dark days, despite the lies they will be told and the brain washing they are subjected to, they will always know the truth at soul level and will not despise you, their love for you will remain in the deepest depths of their spirit.

You will be missed, and your mark left forever upon Mother Earth.

All this is what awaits those who choose to remain on Earth and fight the final battle.


Francis from the other side:

I never did see most of my family and friends again, as only but a handful chose the same path. I shall continue to wait, for there are some who chose to continue the battle on 3D Earth and will join us when it is over.

My pain and loss did however lessen with time...

Occasionally we'd receive information from the other side and would listen in bereft silence. For a short while after the feelings of grief would linger, gradually disappearing completely until one day the information stopped all together and once upon a time on 3D Planet Earth became a distant memory...

The End...

Or is it?

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