Chapter Twelve-The House Of The Rising sun

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Chapter 12

The house of the rising sun

The main house was a spectacular old finca that had been lovingly restored to its former glory. With its large, shuttered windows, high ceilings and original tiled mosaic floors it just oozed history and character. The large internal patio with its fountain and grapevines climbing the trellis was a wonderful cool spot for quiet contemplation amongst the many other plants and flowers that adorned the space. The delicate fragrance of jasmine and 'galan de noche' were truly intoxicating at sundown and for a brief time I would kid myself that I had been transported back to a different era, perhaps a more simple one. We all had a room in this grand home, bought by Peter and his former partner who had sadly passed away. We did not ask too many questions on that difficult subject and waited until Peter, if he so wished, was ready to share what had happened.

The ample covered porch was another favorite spot where the group would congregate around the huge oak table for mealtimes and meetings.

We had quickly learnt who was who amongst the group and who lived in which log cabin or mobile home located directly in front of the house in the two big fields that were used to house the community. From what I had gathered from the brief story about the group's beginnings, Peter and his partner had purchased the property and surrounding land and built a plan for a future community.

They had gradually spoken to likeminded individuals and word had got out about the project. Some of the members had formed a cooperative and were working together producing artisan products and selling organic vegetables and fruit. Others still maintained their 'day jobs' and paid a nominal sum to rent a space on the estate. It seemed that in general their existence was relatively harmonious, but I wasn't under any illusions that it was constant paradise; humans were humans and there would always be differences of opinions and occasional fallouts. However, according to Peter all the members were still present from day one and no one had left following any disagreements. That was a good sign at least.

We had arrived, somewhat disheveled and bewildered by everything, not to mention extremely tired from the heat and travel.

We had been greeted by four members of the community, who whilst friendly were evidently slightly on guard and mildly suspicious of this new group of travelers appearing amidst a full pandemic and military coup. I could fully understand their concerns. The first one to step forward was Ricardo, a large, bearded Spaniard from Madrid. He shook our hands and greeted us in heavily accented English. He was slightly overbearing but I got the sensation that he was a sincere and trustworthy individual despite his powerful presence. I realized that in the last few months my power of discernment was becoming sharper and sharper and I quickly sized up who was to be trusted and who was not. So far Effie and I had been fortunate with all the people that had suddenly entered our lives, but I remembered Xantheus' words regarding discernment and listening to my 'gut feeling'.

Laura, Ricardo's partner, was next to introduce herself. A striking woman with long black hair and deep brown eyes. She seemed to be formidable character, I guess she needed to be to equal Ricardo. I instantly liked her and the warm welcome she gave us.

Next was another couple, French from Toulouse, Jean Jaques and Emilie; This was when my gut feeling gave me a warning. He was a fifty something tanned athletic good -looking man with a rather mischievous grin who gave each of us two kisses, including the males. The warning came when I greeted his wife, a beautiful woman, slightly younger than him with porcelain skin and jet-black curly hair which she tossed back from her eyes as she sized me up. I noticed she did the same to both Effie and Summer, something only a female would pick up on. Whilst outwardly friendly, I noticed a sly look and coldness, different to the other individuals. I made a mental note to keep an eye on her.

2020-When Time Stood StillΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα