Chapter 16-Alienation

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Chapter 16


When dawn finally broke and the first rays of sunlight shone through the persianas, most of the group were already in the kitchen speaking quietly and preparing breakfast. It was just Effie, Summer, and I still in the living room.

I yawned, stretched, and tried to open my eyes fully, which still felt so tired and heavy. Ronnie appeared at my side with a cup of tea. I smiled gratefully. "Thanks mate." He nodded and knelt beside me to speak quietly. "I don't want to scare you, but all night the four of us who took turns on watch got the sensation that the house was being circled. Like someone or something was outside. I saw shadows out the corner of my eye, moving fast. I think it was her, or rather 'it'.

I dunno if she can really hurt us, or if we are protected by 'the others'? I wish they had clarified that part at least! Anyway, we have weapons just so you know. Whether they work on a bloody alien is another question all together. That was just the one thing the army never prepared me for." We both laughed somewhat drily.

I rubbed my eyes and shook my head woefully. "I get the feeling it's going to be another long day."

"Yeah, I agree but I don't know if it's just me, but it feels like time is just speeding up constantly? I feel like in one day we're living the equivalent of like a week. I don't know how to explain it." Ronnie said in a puzzled voice.

"Yeah, I agree totally. I was just saying the same kind of thing to Effie last night." I said.

Suddenly Ronnie sprang up from the floor and ran to the window. I hadn't heard a thing! What had alerted him?

And then I noticed it too, moving shadows through the blinds outside. Ronnie whispered to me, "Keep down on the floor." I did as I was told and began to shake with fear.

Luckily, the girls were still sleeping, and I didn't know if it was safer to leave them or wake them quietly so as not to startle them. Unfortunately, I no longer had a choice in the matter when Ronnie swore loudly and shouted to the whole group.

"Fuck! Everyone get in the living room and get down on the floor now! We're surrounded Waco style!" I knew he was referring to the ambush back in the day in The States, in Waco Texas when the feds surrounded 'The branch Davidians'. What the fuck? Did they think we were some extreme killer cult or something?

I remembered how many innocents were killed in that tragic event. I sprang up and shook Effie and Summer who were moaning and attempting to wake up. "Stay down!" I hissed. "We're surrounded and they're armed" Everyone crawled in and lay on the floor except for Jim and Peter who stood by the side of the windows and peered through the blinds.

The girl's eyes widened with fear and they nodded silently. Laura and Ricardo crawled towards us looking scared.

"It's the military and the police and the bloody Guardia Civil! What the hell do they think we're doing in here?" Ronnie's voice was shrill with panic, despite his military training.

"Stay calm everyone and don't move, no doubt in a minute they will start communication with us, and we will just comply and go out with our hands on our heads. We've done nothing wrong. I reckon they saw the lights last night and know something or someone visited. I'm telling you now, the military know it was aliens." Jim's voice was soothing and steady.

Ronnie was not so convinced, "I don't know mate, after seeing those bloody Guardia and their cocky attitude, they're hungry for trouble I can sense it. These guys aren't trained for sieges not their field of expertise. They'll find any excuse to be local heroes and blow someone's head off!"

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