Chapter Thirteen-Where Do We Go From Here?

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Chapter 13

Where do we go from here?

Following breakfast, we all sat in contemplative silence, attempting to digest this information overload. No-one seemed to know quite what to do or say.

Finally, Summer broke the silence, "We are going to have to be strong on every conceivable level, physical, mental and more importantly spiritual. This is a battle, both Earthly and Cosmic. Nothing is straightforward, nor transparent. Those who come masquerading as the light will also be warriors of the darkness. They are not going to make this ascension easy in any way whatsoever. It is up to us to arm ourselves with spiritual armor, and while it's crucial to be up to speed with all that is happening globally, likewise we cannot allow ourselves to become completely immersed in these Earthly battles or it will destroy us. We must observe from the sidelines, be informed and aware yet remember we are greater than all of this. We are in this world, but not of it" She paused and looked at the expressions on our individual faces. No-one disagreed with the wise young woman.

"Tonight, we must unite as a group. We'll do an immensely powerful meditation and communicate with our extra- terrestrial brothers and sisters and call in the other messengers. For some of you it will be a new and eye -opening experience but fear not, everything that is happening was foretold."

Effie looked over at me and smiled. "Will that mean Xantheus will return?"

"And Shamsa, hopefully." Said Ronnie with a playful glint in his eye.

I laughed, glad to bring in a lighter tone. "Yes, I hope so, but I have no idea. This is all so new to me too." I responded, shrugging.

Jim coughed awkwardly. "I suppose I've been waiting for this moment all my life, especially after some of the things I've seen and heard at CERN but still, doesn't make it any easier to get your head round. As long as we don't have to all sit round cross legged in a circle chanting or anything." He laughed ironically.

Summer grinned. "Whatever is right for you, sitting cross legged, lying down. It's where you allow your mind and spirit to travel that's important."

I stood up. "I really need to move, take a long walk in the country. Anyone want to join me?"

I was happy to see Laura get up from her place and nod in agreement. "Yes, I too need space."

We left the others behind and began walking into the wide -open space. After all that travelling and being confined in the hotel room, I felt a distinct need to reconnect with nature and the great outdoors.

We wandered, relaxed and comfortable in each other's company.

"This is so beautiful." I sighed looking at the wondrous expanse of plains stretching as far as the eye could see; a variety of gold and green hues with infinite deep blue skies with the occasional fluffy white cloud floating peacefully along, so inviting. "I'd love just to float up there now and encase myself within the cotton wool cloud, deeply relaxed gazing down at the world below."

Laura smiled kindly. "Yes, you need some time to disconnect and I think up there will be infinitely more peaceful than down here. Still, I have a feeling that tonight with Summer's meditation something very deep and powerful will happen to all of us. To be honest, I'm even a little afraid."

I was surprised at that admission. "Afraid? Why?" I asked.

She stopped and gazed upwards to the skies above. "There have been many UFO sightings in this area. I've only once seen something but still it was incredible. Three bright objects. shooting across the sky, then they stopped and just seemed to hang there for quite a while then in perfect formation they shot across the sky and looked as if they landed near the area of the military base."

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