Chapter 19-You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave

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Chapter Nineteen

You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

"Mum! Wake up, you're making no sense!"

"Oh god! This is like hotel California, where are we? They've got us. We've been fooled into believing we're safe. It's over, it's the end of the road..." I was mumbling and tossing and turning. Effie grabbed me and shook me awake. "Open your eyes, it's just a bad dream. We're not in a hotel or in California. We're in the middle of the sea heading for the UK."

I heard a quiet but familiar laugh from the corner of the room then a moan as if in pain. "Ow! My bloody head! Your mum thinks she's in a music video mate. It's a song, 'Hotel California' but I get the connection." I instantly opened my eyes and sat bolt upright. "Ronnie! Thank God you're conscious!" I was immensely relieved and happy to see him awake.

I looked around at the tiny chaotic space. The sun was streaming in through the cabin windows as if last night it had heard my pleas. The sea was calm, and my friend was recovering. I smiled and silently thanked the universe and everything in it for this positive change.

The girls looked tired and disheveled huddled under the covers on the floor. Ronnie sat up slowly and looked around him. "Where the heck are, we?" He evidently remembered nothing from the night before.

Before I could answer there was a knock on the door. "Come in" I responded.

A young man appeared carrying a tray with some boxes and flasks of drinks. "Good morning. I have some food and drinks for you." I stared at him curiously. His skin was so white almost translucent, so perfect it was almost unreal. His eyes were the deepest blue and his features were sharp and perfectly sculpted. His hair peeking out from under his hat was a silky white blonde. I couldn't stop staring at him as if I recognized him from somewhere but couldn't fathom where for the life of me, I'd seen him before. His manner of speaking was somewhat strange and his accent undecipherable. As he placed the tray on the small table he looked up and stared me straight in the eye and I instantly knew; He was a messenger.

He nodded silently as he read my thoughts and sat down in the only available space.

"We know you are exhausted and have faced many challenges to get this far. Many more challenges await you, but your bravery and tenacity are much admired by the federation and we are proud to have you as part of our people. You may not feel so right now, and this is comprehensible. Focus on your timeline and your truth and do not be diverted from your path. There is more chaos coming but we are clearing the way. Millions across the globe are now awake and can see what is happening. The earth is shifting out of this third density and ascending to higher levels.

Remember, fear and chaos are the most valuable tools the Cabal possess but when people stop being fearful, they become powerful and step into the light. They become a force to be reckoned with.

You understand that humanity has hidden behind this false façade of a species mistakenly believing that it has evolved purely based on technical achievements, an industrial revolution and yet the age -old dilemmas continue, tribal wars and petty grievances. Colonization, the witch hunts, the Spanish inquisition, you have seen it all..." He paused. The girls gazed at him with fascination obviously not expecting a messenger on a fishing boat, though why we were surprised by anything anymore was beyond me.

He continued. "Humanity is awakening quickly now and more and more are refusing to accept and comply with what is for many an unjust and violent existence. The abuse of the vulnerable, for example the trafficking of children, that is finally being pushed out into the open to the scrutiny of the masses. As the children emerge from the tunnels into the light, this is deeply symbolic of the shift taking place within the human soul. The elite are no longer untouchable, they are being held accountable for their actions. They are attempting to flee and divert the attention from these nefarious acts, but it is all there for the world to see and many unthinkable truths are being revealed. It is not going to be easy to accept many of the revelations coming but you are all part of the final solution and the lost will be looking to you and the other enlightened ones to guide them to the light. You are extremely valuable and important and much loved by us all. The Galactics wish you to always remember this and not to despair. Your efforts are not going unnoticed."

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