Chapter Eleven-It's a New Dawn...

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Chapter Eleven

'It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me'

The first half of the flight passed uneventfully. We were all exhausted physically and emotionally from the escape.

The passengers seemed to simultaneously make a run for the toilets after so many hours waiting, the queue time alone already ate up a portion of the flight. This was then followed by a much-needed hearty breakfast to recharge our batteries. Having been fed and watered, I finally fell into a deep sleep while listening to some of my favorite music.

The great song, 'Feeling good' by Nina Simone had apparently got stuck on repeat as it was the last song I heard before going into the dream state, and was the first thing I heard as I slowly emerged: "It's a new dawn, it's a new day, It's a new life for me and I'm feeling good." I smiled to myself as I hummed along, eyes still closed. The lyrics seemed so apt in this present moment.

I must have drifted off again. I was aware yet not present. My limbs felt heavy, yet my mind seemed almost unbearably light as if it were leaving my body, drifting out through the crown of my head. It was the strangest sensation yet unbelievably pleasant, like nothing mattered anymore. I could see my body down below, alongside a sleeping Effie. Indeed, most of the passengers were sleeping including Ronnie and Jim.

I floated around for a while, exploring the plane and watching the pilots in the cockpit, it was then Xantheus' face appeared before me speaking with great clarity and authority, 'It is time Skye, the Prophesy must be fulfilled.' Alongside Xantheus I saw many faces appear and disappear, some appeared to be native American Indians, others faded so fast I couldn't see who they were. Ancient signs and symbols also appeared. Who were these people and what did the signs represent?

Haven't I lived through this before? Yes, the dream, it was only last night despite feeling like a long time ago. But wait, wasn't I dreaming now? Was this a lucid dream? Or a dream within a dream?

And then it happened: Xantheus and the elders pointed outside the plane and there I saw what looked like an enormous blue comet streaking through the sky, majestic in its beauty and brilliance. There was a blinding flash outside and the plane began falling at great speed. People were jolted awake and began screaming, as pandemonium broke out around us. I fell back into my body with a thump and grabbed Effie's hand in panic.

The fasten seat belts sign flashed on and off. The pilots voice came on over the loudspeaker, "Ladies and gentlemen please try and remain calm. We are doing everything we can to steady the plane. It seems that we have been hit by space debris. Stay in your seats and fasten your seat belts. Prepare to place yourselves in the brace position in case of an emergency landing."

"Look!" Effie pointed excitedly outside the window. I couldn't quite compute what I was seeing before me. In the distance I made out what seemed like thousands of tiny metallic objects hovering then moving at great speed away from us. They seemed to fill the entire sky, so how could it be that no-one else saw them? I turned to look over my shoulder and tried to catch Ronnie's attention above the chaos of shouting, crying and fervent praying.

He pointed towards the window and grinned excitedly, not a trace of fear on his face.

No-one else seemed to have noticed. Jim's eyes were closed, and he too seemed to be praying. And then I caught the eye of Summer, the guitar girl, who was also sat close to us. She nodded calmly and pointed out the window: I should have known she too was a seer.

She called over to me, trying to make herself heard about the din. "You were visited, I saw it. The Hopi elders were communicating with you about the 'Blue Kachina' that is what just appeared. They told me I have to give you something."

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