The Unhappy King

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Happiness making me feel miserable. Because I am not a part of it. It's like I am the only person here standing without love.
I couldn't stand it anymore. I don't belong here. I need to leave.

As I turned my way towards the exit of that park, I stopped.
A puppy was blocking my way. Ignoring it I wanted to cross him but he just couldn't let me go. He was continuously waggling his tail while trying to leaning on me.

Go...! Go away..!! I shouted. But he sat down. As if he wants to play. I looked from right to left, couldn't figure out whose dog it is.
He is very little.. maybe 1 month old..more than that I guess. I lowered my body and stroked on his back..

Who is your owner little one? He liked it, he started licking my hand with his tiny warm tongue.
You like it don't you? For a time being, I really felt..light. I felt good that someone is loving my company.
But it ended with a loud familiar voice,,

Ollliiivveerrr ????!!!!! Come on Boyy..!!! Puppy got excited and ran towards my back. I turned and saw the pup ran into Jiya's arms and she started adoring him.

Where did you go lil boy..?? She was making a mushy baby tone which is weird. So Jiya is the owner of the pup. Great. Yeah Jiya is like a puppy. Loud, energetic. But the difference is puppy is smarter than her.

Jiya..!!! Let's go that way. !!! Barsha called her from a distance. My eyes fell on Rishab and I got scared. Fuck!! He saw me. Literally, I walked so fast and left the park. I really didn't want any of them to notice me. I don't know why , I just.. I don't want. That's it.

Jiya found Oliver and came running towards us.
See...I got him.. because of this I told you we should buy a collar for him so that he can't leave anywhere without us... Jiya started complaining but in a cute way though. It was her idea to play in the park. It's been a long we have been here. Oliver also needs some fresh air to breathe in.
Missy.. Lion was there..Rishab pointed towards a vague distance.
Ehhh.. Wo kharoos!!! No Rishu.. he can't be here. I rolled my eyes to Jiya because of using the word ' kharoos'.

What?? He is Kharoos Barsha. The most annoying cold heartless person. He didn't even say sorry to you. How cruel. .... I know she is angry about this.

Don't be angry Jiya.

Why?? Why not???? Her rebellious version is reflecting ...

Because I was the one who made the mistake ...


No Jiya listen..! He strictly told me not to do anything without his permission. And I did. I didn't even know who was that girl... I mean see, bunch of files were there on my desk, exclusive ones. Raw materials of stories.. and I let an unknown girl in. Don't you think that was a very stupid idea?

She kept her denial face. I know I was wrong. And I decided I will say sorry tomorrow.
| Next day |

[Author's View]
Barsha rang the doorbell. Today before opening the door Darshan took a deep breathe. Both of them went blank for a moment, then Darshan told her to come inside.

Darshan put his hands into his trouser pocket and started forming a sentence in his minds. It took some moments for them to speak. Then ...

(Together) ~

" I am sorry "

It's a bit awkward for them. Darshan couldn't figure it out why she is saying sorry.

You first... Darshan said.

Ummm.. I am sorry Sir. It was my fault. I .... I should have get your permission first. I was way too careless. I am sorry. I will be more careful from now on.

Darshan listened, patiently. He gave a shady little smile.

It's okay Barsha. I was ... I was angry that time. So I yelled at you. I should have been more gentle. I... I am sorry Ms.Gupta !

Darshan smiled at her. A very little smile. He is not wearing a specs today. This is the first time Barsha noticed his deep brown eyes. Sparkling, charming and deep.
Her heart skipped a beat when he blinked.
For a moment they got lost into their eyes. A very short moment though.

There is a special quote in Harry Potter that " Happiness can be found, even in the darkness of times, if only remembers to turn on the light"

Darshan needs to turn on his inner light, only then he can found happiness and peace. But why is he like this? Just for a breakup? Well.... You'll know that. Soon.


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TIME~between Life and Death [Completed]✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora