The Glass Isn't Always Half Empty

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[Aj sirf Darshan bolega!!!!!!!!!!]

The road divided into two parts. One way is heading towards Barsha's house and the other one is towards the hospital. I started to miss Rishab suddenly. It's been a week , I haven't heard 'Lion' from him. I changed my mind and started driving towards the hospital.

Dogs are not allowed in the hospital bud. So just wait here , I'll be back within few minutes I patted his head and went inside.
Rishab is drawing with his cute  roommate.
Little girl~ it looks like a chicken

R~ no, it's a duck.

Little girl~ duck has a big beak.

R~ it also has a beak

Little girl~ it's not a proper beak

"It looks like a sparrow to me" while interrupting their conversation, I sat beside Rishab.

'Lion!!!!!!' little hands wrapped me around.
How are you champ?

I am fine, Missy told me that everyone will visit me and you cameee..!!! He was too excited to see me, which makes me feel very special.

Who is she? Girlfriend? I wanted to tease the little boy. But his reply startled me...

Yes! It was a big confident yes though.

Whoa really? I asked.
Yess..!! She is sweet but annoying.

Little girl~ I am not annoying and I am Not your girlfriend.

A loud laughter came out from me. Their conversation was way too cute to handle.
What's your name dear ?

~I am Sana.
Are your parents coming today?

~ I don't know. My Sister said she'll come but she is very busy. This little girl also have a sister.

Oh. My. God..!!!! It's Reena, saw me after 6 months.

Reena~ You little piece of sh.....

Me~ language Reena.

Reena~ You come with me he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to outside.

After cursing me properly finally she asked something which I really don't want to answer.

Reena~ You haven't thought about it. Gaurav told me.

Me~ He did..? Ok.

Reena~ Darshan... Father-in-law is leaving tomorrow. What are you doing buddy?

Me~ I .. just.. I just don't know.

Reena~ what do you mean don't know?? See... It's really very hard to find a donor these days you know it. Please Darshan.
I didn't say anything.

Reena~ how bad it is? Does it hurt?
I shook my head

Any attacks so far?

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