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Barsha went near to the glass shelf. Some books were projecting there I guess. In between I almost forgot to ask her who is taking care of Rishab? If she is here with me , I guess Jiya is taking care of him. Still I should ask her. Also I am confused that how should I say that she did a great job back there. It's really hard saying it to her. I feel nervous whenever I look at her.  But she deserves a good compliment.
I stood beside her then..
I didn't know that you wrote a book for adults too??? she screamed.
I saw the book. Yes. It's my book. I didn't know that they'll project this book.
'Tales of young love'
It seems like it happened yesterday when the book got released.

3 years ago
[Author's View]
Mihi!!!!! Mihi..!! Where are you? ! It's his day today. With all excitement, happiness, joy , jumpy Darshan is searching for his one and only Mehak.
It's a very big day for him.
I am here... Mehak replied from bedroom.
With a big happy expectation he went into the room,
Mihi...See..The bo....she was getting ready... He didn't complete his sentence, because today he is supposed to spend with her.
Where are you going? He asked with a fading smile.
Sorry baby.. my friends are calling for the party. Today I promised them that I'll meet. So.. she didn't even look at him.
But.. you promised that we will spend time together on your birthday. And also today is a big day for me.
I know but... See Darshan. Mein bhaagi thodi jaa rehi hu.. I'll be back soon. Okay? She tapped his back and left without even looking at the book.
[After two days]
Mehak was talking with someone over phone in the balcony. Darshan came to her from behind, she hurriedly disconnected the call and started smiling towards him.
Who was it? Darshan asked with a shady curious face. Little did he knew that she is hiding something or someone.
It's my friend. She faked a smile.

Oh.. ......
Did you open the book? It was your birthday gift. He started collecting all the minimum expectations he had from her.
Ummm about that.. sorry babe.. I was soooo busy. I will , definitely.

D~Where is it?
M~ where is what?
D~ the book.
M~ yehi.. kamre mein hoga.
D~ you lost it. I know.
Smile started fading from Mehak's face. It's true. She had lost it.
Darshan grabbed her hand and handed over the book.
Bass ekbar.. ekbar isko khol k dekh lia hota. You didn't even had to read it Mihi. He left after that. As she opened the book, she saw a ring.
He put the ring into the book by making a hole in that. Pages were cutted into a shape of box.
Yeah. That's was her gift.
I would really like to read that. Her voice helped me to land on the present time.   Bloody bullshit memories..!!! The cover, the feel, the words everything is lying here , just the reason was fake. I wrote it for someone who never even think about looking at it.
My head started aching because of these stupid memories. I need some air.
It will take more or less 45 minutes to reach his house. I checked the time. It's 11.15 .
He was resting his head on the window. His eyes were closed. I wonder if he is actually sleeping or not. I was driving carefully, don't want to wake him up.
Suddenly I heard a little cough.
He is sweating, panting too.
Sir...!!! Are you alright??? I am not used to this kind of situation. He started breathing heavily.
Sir...!!!! Kya hua???
He grabbed his chest and twitched his eyebrows as if he is in pain.
We were crossing the beach side of Bombay. I parked the car in a safer side.
Sirr..Sir.. look at me.!! He tried to freed himself from the seatbelt but couldn't do it. His hands were slipping. I hurriedly stepped out of the car, went his side, opened the door and unlocked the seatbelt.
Sirr.. here.. drink some water!!! He needed some air I guess. He couldn't do anything, can't even open the bottle cap. I snatched the bottle from him, took some water in my hand and slightly splashed on his face. Panting getting slower bit by bit.
By helding his chin up, I poured a little bit of water into his mouth. I poured a very little because I don't wanna choke him. Our faces were way too close that he locked his eyes with mine. But I was hell scared at that time.
My hands were trembling out of fear. This is not a alcohol reaction. It seems like----- he couldn't breathe.

Sir..are you alright? I asked while grabbing his shoulder.

Can we stay here for a bit? [Shit his voice..what is this? It's weak , broken trembling voice]
  He needs some fresh air I got that.
Yes.. ofcourse we can. I said.

Ocean Breeze were purifying our mind

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Ocean Breeze were purifying our mind. It's removed every inch of tiredness from the body. Both of us remained silent for a couple of minutes. Supporting my back on the car, I was standing,crossing my hands over chest. He was sitting on the car seat facing outside. His face became red blushed , those soft pink lips were slightly open as if they were breathing after a long time.
Can I ask you a question? The sounds of the waves were so loud but his voice hit my senses were like we are in big hallway.
Yes..please. !

What did you think of me when you saw me for the first time? His eyes were fixed at the ocean.
Ummmm. I thought you were bit cold , shy, introvert person. He remained silent.
But if you ask me now.. then I think you are a very nice person. Nice and gentlemen. I don't know what gotten into me..I was so confident to answer that. Maybe because I knew that he is drunk.
After listening to my answer, he smirked and said.
You are lying. are lying. I know you... You are lying. His words jumbling up. Everyone knows that , I am rude , cold, not so good person. I have never saw him like this. That's what he think of himself? Ohgod!
You know what, few months back someone wrote an article about me saying, Rude writer shut his door infront of the reporters.  
I stopped him and said.. I think you that's their way of picturise a situation. The most important thing is, what Do Youuu think of yourself? He raised his eyebrows and looked at me. I mean if you think that you are rude, can't talk with people, can't open up , can't go out then you will never be a happy person that people like.
But if you let your cages down, start thinking like you can be humble and happy person, well... World will become your own free space. He was just looking at me as if I might drown in those brown eyes.
Can I ask you a last question? I asked this to someone else, she couldn't answer it.
I get the feeling that it's going to be very special one.
Yes. Go on.
He took a pause .
When the day is over, when the time comes, what do you want from the person you love?

When the day is over.. and I reach home, I want my love to be there for me. So that I can rest in his lap. I want some little taps on my head and want him say that I did a great job today.
And when the time comes, after all those years running and struggling, I want to sleep, in his lap, so I can rest in peace.
He started smiling. As if I have passed the viva. After an another round of silent break, he again asked..
Will you run with you love for the rest of your life? I couldn't understand the question and gave him a confused look.
Will you not get bored with the person you have known for years?

Years doesn't matter Darshan. Oops I mean Sir. The only thing matters that you love that person or not. And yeah. I will run with the person I love. So that I can be the part of everything of him. Happiness, sad, struggle, success,  Everything.
He started smiling. Actually he was giggling.
Why are you smiling like that?

D~Nothing.. it sounds like it's scripted.

No,it's not. It's the way I feel.

D~Yeah. I know.he continued smiling. Well, I was way too happy to see that.
We should leave now, it's getting late.
He turned his body into the car. I closed the door, sat on the drivers seat.

Darshan is fine. You can call me that. My heart skipped a beat I don't know why.
Ok Sir. I mean Darshan.
He gave a little alluring smile and closed his eyes resting his head on the window.
Turn on the radio and play something nice please. I think he is feeling alright now. I played the FM. And started driving.

TIME~between Life and Death [Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now