Selfie (Sorakei/Sora x Nikei Yomiuri)

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Another day on the island, another day to investigate. Those words went through Sora's head as she started walking on the path to the bell tower. Hopefully, she would have enough luck to not run into Mikado. Thankfully, another chipper student was nearby instead.

"Oh, Sora! You're investigating here too?" Nikei asked, looking up from what he was writing down in his notebook.

"For today, at least. There's a lot to explore on this island." Sora replied. "Once I'm finished with the bell tower, I'm thinking of investigating the water house next."

"Well, I also made a discovery! It's not really big enough to call a real scoop, but it's important enough to treat it like one!" The journalist was practically vibrating from the excitement.

Sora held in her laughter, keeping a calm face. "What did you find out, Nikei?" She asked, wondering what had him all riled up this time.

He pulled out his student handbook and turned it on. "It's in the handbook! I didn't know this function existed, but this apparently has a camera! See, look!" Nikei pressed a couple buttons on the handbook and showed off the camera function as Sora watched.

"Hm... We might be able to take photos of anything that looks out of place now. Good job, Nikei." She praised.

"Ehehe, thanks! But that's not all we can use it for. We can take pictures of the others too! For example..." Nikei spun around and was suddenly beside Sora. "Say cheese!" He smiled, reversing the camera option to face the duo and taking a picture.

Nikei backed up and showed Sora the loaded picture. "Oh, that's what you were doing? Well, you could've just asked." She remarked, ignoring how surprised her face looked in the picture.

Nikei took his handbook back and put it in his jacket. "Well, we have our own investigations to do. See you around!" The excitable journalist ran off to another part of the island while Sora watched him go. With no more distractions, she walked into the bell tower.

Art credit: yough42 on twitter

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