Stargazing (Sannokaga/Mikado Sannoji x Yuri Kagarin)

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"Yuriiii!" The excited wizard burst into his room, a basket in his hand. "The stars are out tonight, just as you said! Can we go now?"

The Russian just laughed and got off his bed. "Of course, мое пламя. We should go before some pesky others steal the best spot."

Mikado squealed with glee as he headed to the front door. Technically, Mikado could teleport them there, but Yuri said that he wanted the location to be a surprise. The spaceman was still appalled that Mikado had never seen a clear night sky full of stars before.

("What do you mean you don't know?!"

"I can't exactly see the stars clearly with all the city lights! Please don't get mad, my love..."

"No, no, I'm not mad. But I swear, дорогой, I am going to show you the stars one day!")

Even if they were going to focus on the stars, Mikado had insisted on making food and having a picnic while they stargaze. Of course, Yuri wasn't opposed to Mikado making food, so he had let the wizard do his thing as he made plans. Yuri took out his phone and inputed a location into the maps app and grabbed a long strip of cloth from a nearby dresser before heading to the front door.

"Do we have everything?" Yuri asked, putting his shoes on. Mikado nodded enthusiastically, holding a blanket under his arm, the same one that was holding the picnic basket. Yuri chuckled. "Alright, lean down. The location is going to be a surprise!" The wizard bent down obediently, and Yuri tied the piece of cloth around his eyes. That is, his human eye and the one on his mask. Once it was securely tied, Yuri grabbed Mikado's hand and lead him outside.

The spaceman dragged Mikado to the car, helping him inside and fastening his seatbelt. Though Mikado was getting used to being in cars, he wouldn't be able to do his seatbelt on his own. Once Yuri finished helping him, he went around to the other side of the car and got in. "How far is this place?" Mikado asked as Yuri bucked his seat belt.

"Not far at all, I promise." Yuri reassured. He knew from experience that Mikado didn't like sitting still for long periods of time. Only half-satisfied with that answer, Mikado became silent and put his hands into his lap, patiently waiting for them to arrive.

And arrive they eventually did, with Yuri parking the car and going to help Mikado out of the car. Keeping the blindfold on, Mikado was lead up a hill as he carried a picnic basket. On top of the hill, Yuri told Mikado to stay still, and he took the picnic basket from him. Inside the basket was a blanket, carefully folded and put on top of the food to preserve the heat. Yuri took the picnic blanket out and laid it on the grass, putting the basket on top of it before leading Mikado to sit down on it.

"Alright, мое пламя, you may take the blindfold off now." Yuri encouraged. Mikado did exactly that, putting it beside him and looking up. Yuri's heart fluttered when he heard Mikado's amazed gasp.

"These... These are what you've been seeing all your life?" Mikado breathed, unable to stop staring upwards.

Yuri took out a warm butter chicken sandwich from the basket. "Do you like them?" He asked before biting into the food.

Mikado silently nodded before leaning over and enveloping Yuri in a hug. The spaceman hummed in contentment, closing his eyes and leaning into his boyfriend's touch.

"If you want, I can show you which constellations are out this time of year." Yuri offered. Mikado let go of him and nodded enthusiastically. The rest of the night consisted of Yuri showing Mikado the constellations and telling stories about them while Mikado made pictures of them using his magic. With good food and positive spirits, Yuri would call this night a success.

Art credit: linuj_i_want_my_children_back on instagram

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