Domestic (Sannotoriuri/Mikado Sannoji x Teruya Otori x Nikei Yomiuri)

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Teruya closed the door behind him, hanging his jacket and hat on the makeshift coat hanger he and his boyfriends set up. "I'm home!" He called. Surprisingly, Mikado didn't immediately come to his side like he expected. Maybe he was out of the house? No, his cape was hung up and his mask was placed on a nearby table; he was definitely at home. He decided to check around the house to make sure the wizard was still alive.

He walked into the living room and looked over at the couch. Mikado was lying lengthwise on the couch with a sleeping Nikei on top of him, the journalist's head resting on his chest while one of the wizard's hands was placed on his back to prevent him from falling off. Mikado heard Teruya's footsteps and turned his head towards him. "Sorry, I can't speak loudly right now." He explained, motioning with his head at Nikei.

"That's okay." Teruya smiled. He noticed that Mikado wasn't wearing his mask right now. Over the course of their unlikely relationship, Teruya had been trying to get Nikei to fix his sleep schedule and Mikado to leave his mask off a bit more. He looked his relaxed boyfriends over again and smiled happily.

"Mind coming down here?" Mikado asked, and Teruya got onto his knees to match Mikado's current height at the side of the couch. Tilting his head and stretching his neck out in an effort to not disturb Nikei, Mikado softly kissed Teruya for a few seconds before pulling back. "So, how was your day?" He asked, keeping his voice low. Teruya could see the fondness in his eyes and figured that Mikado wasn't going to move for a while. Sure, he could get out using his magic, but it seemed that the wizard was perfectly comfortable with staying pinned to the couch.

Teruya ruffled Mikado's hair, his heart fluttering upon hearing his purr of contentment. "The day was alright. Nothing interesting happened, but in my line of work, that's usually a good thing." He joked.

Mikado giggled at the statement, then turned his head away unexpectedly as movement came from on top of him. Mikado gently rubbed the journalist's back, stopping the movement, but Nikei had looked up from his place on the wizard's chest. "Hm?" He sleepily looked at Teruya, too tired to open his mouth and say something comprehensible.

Teruya chuckled at Nikei, moving over to the front of the couch and placing himself beside his two boyfriends. "Hey, c'mere." Teruya leaned over to Nikei and placed a couple fingers under his chin, lifting his head enough to steal a kiss before letting his head drop back to Mikado's chest.

Mikado stopped rubbing his back and moved his hand, the one that wasn't holding Nikei, to his head and played with his hair. The journalist sighed and closed his eyes, slipping back into sleep.

Teruya gazed at his normally hyperactive boyfriend fondly, happy that he was actually getting some sleep for once. "Hey, Mikado. How'd you get him to stop working for once and sleep?" He asked.

"Well, I checked his deadline first, and his article isn't due for at least a week. Then, I just hugged him from behind. Maybe I tripped over myself and put us - and the chair - on the floor, but he just started leaning into me. So I just carried him away from his laptop, and, well, here we are." Mikado explained.

"So, you just waited until he became as touchstarved as you normally are before stealing him from his work?" The merchant joked.

"Heeey..." Mikado began to whine before Teruya shut him up with a kiss.

"I don't think there's enough room for me on the couch. How about we head over to the bedroom and we could cuddle there?" Teruya suggested.

Mikado nodded once and disappeared with Nikei in a flash of red light. Teruya got up from his knees on the floor and began making his way over to their his bedroom. The house came with two bedrooms, which Teruya and Nikei claimed while Mikado slept on the couch, but Teruya knew that Mikado had gone to his. Nikei usually didn't sleep in his bed, so he had converted that bedroom into a working area and slept at his desk when he had a deadline. When Nikei was finally convinced to take a rest, the three of them usually shared Teruya's bed, which was queen-sized exactly for that reason.

He opened the door and saw that Mikado had placed the sleeping Nikei in the middle of the bed, Mikado being on one side of him. While a large, empty space was on the other. Teruya took off his black tie and threw it on the ground, opting to pick it up later. He climbed into the bed on Nikei's other side and pulled the journalist close to him.

As Teruya pulled Nikei closer to his body, Mikado inched closer as well and wrapped himself around him as well. It would be funny when Nikei woke up, that much Teruya knew. The journalist would be so flustered after waking up pressed between his two boyfriends, cursing a blue streak while trying to hide his red face. Teruya rested his head on top of Nikei's, while Mikado pressed his nose into the crook of his neck. For now, he was just content to enjoy the moment.

Art credit: mikwithnokado on instagram

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