Falling (Terukei/Teruya Otori x Nikei Yomiuri)

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(Warnings: death, spoilers for chapters 2/3/4 of SDRA2 and the members of Void!)

As always, the execution was shown on the screen above. Nikei had broken a rule and would die in a minute, maybe even less. The surviving participants watched him race out the door, into another building, and up the stairs until he got to the rooftop. There, he tried to jump to the oncoming helicopter's dangling ladder...only to try to grab with the hand that was just blown off.

As Teruya watched the journalist fall from the building, his face affixed with despair, images began to flash in his mind of the time the two had spent together.

They had first met when Nikei had come up to him, asking for an interview. Though his demeanour seemed friendly, Teruya could tell that suspicious caution lurked behind his chipper mask. Teruya tried to answer all that he could before Nikei had given up on trying.

Soon enough, Teruya would try to get the journalist to warm up to him, doing things such as walking around the villiage just rambling about this and that. Nikei never gave him any hope to escape the island, but he always joined in on his ramblings. And when Kokoro had died under his watch, it was Nikei who came to his aid, telling him sweet things to distract his mind from his guilt and self-blame.

But come the third island, Nikei had distanced himself from the group. Even so, he would occasionally send a message to Teruya through their handbooks and hang out in his room, bringing food with him so he could eat in safety. Nikei would share the newest scoops he found from his notebook, talk to him about how cool the carnival was, but he wouldn't tell him why he was distanced from the group.

After the third trial, Teruya had found Nikei in his room, sobbing his little heart out. The merchant wrapped his arms around the other and whispered comforting words to try to heal the unknown wound that was Kanade killing Setsuka and burning her note. Teruya still hadn't known her importance to him, but he tried his best to soothe the pain.

Then came that fateful day where Nikei came to him with genuine fear in his eyes. At least, he thought it was genuine at the time. He confessed that he was a Void and was planning on taking down Mikado, but was scared of how the others would react. He begged him to not tell the others his identity and he told him his plan. Teruya agreed; if it took Mikado down and prevented anymore deaths, he would do anything.

But in the end, he played right into the journalist's hands. He got the gun from the top of the Tower of Babel, locked everybody in the break room, and did his best to keep everybody alive. But in the end, he, Yuki, Shinji, and everybody else fell into Nikei's trap. Even after Nikei deceived them and tried to kill them all, Teruya couldn't truly hate him. After the gun blew his right hand off, he wanted to comfort Nikei and tell him that he could redeem himself if he stayed with the group and went with him to get medical attention. Unfortunately, Mikado had implemented a rule that ultimately sealed the journalist's fate.

As Teruya watched as Nikei's body, mostly covered by Monocrows, slowly bleed on the ground, he made a silent promise to Nikei. One day, he will take down Mikado and bring justice to everyone that had died. It was all that he felt he was useful for now.

Art credit: not_rantaro_amami on instagram

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