Competing (Hajikei/Hajime Makunouchi x Nikei Yomiuri)

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"Looks like I win again." Hajime laughed as he crossed the 'finish line' first, which only comprised of a few sticks lined up.

Nikei ran across them and joined the boxer, panting and looking back as he acknowledged that he lost their race. "Damn."

Hajime gently patted him on the back. "I keep telling you, if you actually exercise, you might have a chance to win against me." He handed the journalist a water bottle, which he accepted gratefully.

Nikei drank half of it before shakily handing it back. "Pretty sure running after people for interviews counts." He grumbled.

"Not really." Hajime replied. When it came to fitness, Nikei was practically a hopeless case. However, that didn't stop him from trying to get him to exercise. Hajime found that the best way to do it was to exploit the journalist's competitive nature. Nikei couldn't stand losing to anyone, so the way Hajime made the journalist keep healthy was through competitions and challenges.

Nikei stretched his arms. "If only I had more breath, I could actually beat you for once..." He sighed.

Hajime suddenly grabbed his arm, holding him tight enough that he couldn't escape, but gentle enough to not hurt the other. "You know, Shinji's about to come out for his morning exercise. You should join us." He tugged Nikei's arm, clearly not giving him a choice in the matter,

"H-Hey, let go! What are you doing, idiot?!" Nikei protested, trying to pull away.

Hajime chuckled at the attempt to get out of his grip. Pulling the journalist close, he swept him up into a bridal carry. "Yeah, you can curse all you want. You still have to stay healthy, you know!" He began to lecture. 

Nikei groaned, having heard his health lectures twice already today. "Jeez, stop it already!" He cried. Hajime ignored him and kept walking to where Shinji and he were were supposed to meet, continuing his speech all the while.

Art credit: l001ool on twitter

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