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     Aa'yat's POV

A hand slapt me slighlty on my shoulder as I opened my eyes in wake.
It is time for Asr, go and perform Ablution. Husseinah said out.

I yawned loudly before it dawned fully on me. It was all a dream. Ya Allah, the thing with Junaid at the front of Ribadu and confessing his feelings to me was all a dream.
I had told Junaid everything that happened the day I found out from my mum.

I let out faint sob which made Hassanah to stare at me in query. What happened? She asked.

Nothing, I just had a weird dream. I answered.

This hot afternoon. Husseinah mocked as they all laughed at me.

It was something nice though. I smiled as I raised my head to look at inayat, who seemed to be paying attention to her phone.

I stood up to where she laid and peeped a look. What are you reading?
I queried.

Hey sis, you are awake huh??? She said out before answering me. It is an article on repentance they shared on a group. She smiled.

I see, looks nice. Forward it to me please. I said as I turned to leave.

Okay I would right now. She answered plainly.

A ding on my phone and it was a text message from Habiba.

"I am still waiting for you miss."  It read.

I guess the part of habiba arriving back wasnt a dream afterall. I smiled out as I went to perform my ablution.

After praying Asr, I laid on my bed as I scrolled through my whatsapp in view of messages.
I thought of asking Junaid why he wasnt in any of the classes today.

Why werent you in class today?? - Me

Luckily, he came online almost immediately and he replied.

I went to the Market with Mansur. #Groceries shopping# - Better Half.

Okay then, I missed you. - Me

😪🙄🙄Malama, talk to you later In sha Allah. He replied back as he went offline almost immediately.

He sure doesnt love me, I am so sure of that. My heart somehow ached. But I wont give up. I assured myself.

I would head to Habiba's place later in the day towards Magrib time so we can catch up on things and I can finally tell her all I have in mind about her behaviors.
Someone needs to talk to her and she needs to heed.

I opened the article Inayat had sent to me earlier as I read;

   Bismilahi Rahmahni Raheem
Praise be to God the creator of the world, the one who exists without begining, without end, without location, without a "how" and who does not depend on time. Nothing resembles Him in anyway and he hears and sees everything without organs.

Whatever you imagine, God is different from that. May the elevation in degree and preservation of his community of what he fears for it, be granted to our Master Muhammad Al-Amin, the Honest one, who called for following Islam, the religion of truth, the religion of all the prophets: of the first, Adam to the last muhammad.

The term tawbah (Arabic for repentance) is an Arabic Quranic term which means "a retreat" or "a return"......
In Surah 66, verse 8, the term tawbah is associated with Arabic adjective nasuh (Arabic for 'pure and sincere').

Thus, it signifies sincere and faithful repentance, which is free from pretense and hypocrisy.

Tawba is Islamic concept of repenting to God due to performing any sins and misdeeds. It is a direct matter between a person and God, so there is no intercession.
There is no original sin in Islam. It is the act of leaving what God has prohibited and returning to what he has commanded.

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